Thursday, April 02, 2009


Today I am going with a couple of girls from the Patchwork class... and our tutor ('G')... to MORRINSVILLE. (small town outside of Hamilton, about an hour away from here).

Apparently there is a rather good material shop in Morrinsville that sells a particular material (batiks) for only $12 a metre! This is more than half price... so that's why we are going! I can think of more interesting things to go shopping for... but hell.... it's SHOPPING! I will shop for anything!

We are only going for the morning and lunch... we all have to be back for various reasons by 1-2pm.... Hmmm... lunch. No more being indulgent... I am going to have something sensible! I have set myself a goal of losing 2 kgs this week... and I will bloody well do it!

I have no intention of trying to lose that much every week of course, but I know I usually lose a big amount in my first week of starting a 'diet' again.

ABOVE: this is all the 'stuff' I was given last night at Weight Watchers! I might even read it..... but not right now.

My Patchwork Tutor ('G') has asked me if I'd like to go walking with her a couple of days a week too... AWESOME. Look... I am finally getting settled in here! Meeting people who I can develop a friendship with... finally!

I am back.... and I would like to say that I have had a fantastic time! I am sooooo happy I went... the four of us girls had a bloody blast! We didn't stop yakking and laughing the whole time. We bought some really amazing materials...

these are my selection... lots of blues obviously... and get this... the shop owner ( a bloke, gave each of us a fat quarter for FREE!).... clever marketing that! We will be back! He also knew my girlfriend Karen down in Palmerston North as she's a customer of his... and he suggested I send her an e-mail from his shop as a I did! I said "Hi ya Tart".... I bet she knew straight away it wasn't from him! lol

On the way home 'G' suggested, as we four got on so well, that we do it again on a regular basis! Yipee! I can hardly wait till our next girly outing!

Now you will be pleased to hear that I was ever so good..lunch was a chicken salad sandwich, which I wrote down in me trusty tracker.... and I also had a moccha... which was too sweet.... but nice anyway. And that was all....

Time to go get the kids from school... then I can take my lovely new material down to me 'sewing room' and put it away!
MOTHER update: they are still OK.. more heavy rain is expected this afternoon... they have managed to move their clothesline before it went down the hill... they also managed to get their car around the slip and get into town for some more food etc.. and gumboots! They needed gumboots to get through all the mud. I can only hope that they lose no more land around their house... fingers crossed the next bout of rain does no more damage.
End of Day... and it's been neat! Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Also, been totally on track all day and evening. nite nite.


  1. Mmm..I love shopping too. thinking about going today just see if I can wear any new clothes =)

    Welcome back to WW. If you are given any good recipes, I'd love to see/hear about them!

  2. Hey, can't wait to see your goodies from shopping. And going out with friends, too, sounds like so much fun.

  3. How fun for you to get a way for a need it! Too bad it isn't for longer...but you can never beat a half price deal especially with the amount of work you've been doing lately...

    Do you like the new weight watcher program? It's always good to have a walking partner...Keep up the great work!!!

  4. Chris - good on you for rejoining Weight Watchers. It's a good thing, not a negative. I've tried lots of different things too, and then have to grudgingly admit that WW does actually work. Even though it's painful counting, weighing and all that stuff, it doesn't take long before it's second nature again. You never give up, and that's to be congratulated. Good luck. If you have time, I'd love an explanation of the new 'Satisfaction' plan.

  5. Have a great day...looks like you are starting to gel with new friends, awesome.

  6. Hope you have a great day and good luck with your choices today

  7. Have a lovely day shopping Chris.

    Well done on your decision to rejoin ww. I know for me I can't do it by myself.

    I think the key is a good support network so to have a walking buddy already is unreal.

    Look forward to seeing your first week's results.

  8. sounds lovely, hope you have a fabulous day xxx

  9. Oh I am so jealous. You've been to Wright Fabrics. I love his stuff. Have to wait till next weekend at symposium and I'm saving my pennies to buy heaps of batiks. All sounds good Chris. glad you're settling in up there. You meet heaps of nice people with quilting cause WE'RE ALL NICE!!! hahaha... enjoy

  10. Sounds like fun!

    Shopping is always good. :)

  11. So pleased that you are settling down up there and meeting new people:-)

  12. It's so great that you are settling in. It's always great to have girlfriends to pal around with.

    Thanks for saying such nice things about my photos. Yes, I really did take all the photos..I've been taking photography classes and studying online nonstop for the past two years or so. I guess you could say I'm obsessed..haha.

    Have a great day dear!!

  13. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Yay for making new friends!!!!!!!!! Fabric's look great!!!!!!

  14. What beautiful colours. Honestly they're gorgeous.

    Glad you had a good time with the girls and feeling like you're settling in.

    Hope your mum's okay.

  15. The fabrics are pretty, especially the purply ones. Glad you had a good day and am meeting new friends.

  16. Oh drool, slobber... I LOVE some of those materials! The blues and greens, and the swirly one! So jealous. Sigh. I work full time and don't get to sew but I do love it.

    Your mum is in for a bit more rain yet. I hear the flood waters up there are receding, but more rain was forecast. Sigh. Lucky devils!

    Well done on the sandwich by the way. Excellent choice! I can see those kgs melting off from over here.... *wink*


  17. Love the materials you chose.
    Tart!!!!!......23'C not fair while we freeze. We are hoping it's just a cold snap & warmer days will return....yeah right!! LOL.
    Hope your Mum's house & land stays safe with all the rain over there.
    Have a great rest of week & weekend. Miss ya down here :)

  18. Love the fabric, and can't wait to see what you do with it!

  19. Looks like you bought out the store. Hope your Mother is fine. It is pretty scary about the Mud slides so close to the home. Let me know if you red the WW stuff. Was out yesterday delivering Daffodils for the CDN Cancer Society. Gorden and I kept saying " they should ask us to get a signature from these people so . We have proof of delivery."

    After we finished our rounds. Found and actually read the instructions and they said just that. LOL

    How come, Men never read instructions and we always have pieces left over. I think it is because we are usually directed on what to do when our better half's are around. When they are not we go off on a tangent.

  20. What a fun day! I also loved your story about poking the octopus. Hee hee.

    Those materials are gorgeous.

  21. Nice to hear you are finally starting to feel at home. Certainly helps to have friends around. Can hardly wait to see a finished quilt. Sounds like a really fun day.

  22. good on you for making the choice to go to WW. I have been going for 8 weeks. I have only lost 7kg but I am happy with the loss to date. I am sure that it gets me in the right mind set to continue on when it gets tough. Good luck...hugs Khris in Oz

  23. Those materials look very cool !!

    Quilting is a BIG thing over here. In fact I think it's probably the number one craft that people do.

    As a result there is a huge selection of quilting fabrics available. I've been quietly stocking up..

    Glad your Mum is still okay, must be quite a worry..


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