Sunday, April 26, 2009


We really have no plans for today... it's wet and miserable.
I am looking forward to tomorrow! As soon as I get the kids to school I am going for a walk... rain or shine!

I have worked out how far it is from my house to Manukau Mall and I am going to walk there and back! Oh, it's 11.48km for your information...(there and back). And that is 7.13 miles for you who havn't converted to metric yet.

That's me for now.... hopefully SOMETHING interesting crops up today....
NOTHING... I mean happening around here! It is pissing down with rain... I have even done some ironing to pass the time! I could do some patchwork, but I want to save it to do in class!
One thing for sure ... if it's this wet tomorrow I won't be going walking afterall.. it's just too wet dammit.
End of Day: there was a break in the weather late this afternoon, so we grabbed the chance and went out for a walk around our 'block'... it's about 4km long... it was really lovely.. not too hot... Teddy loved it too and he made it around the whole walk too. nite nite.


  1. It's seven miles to our school [and back!]

  2. Oh dear, about the rain, can I tell you its 23 deg in Christchurch today!!, bugger means we can paint the new gate. Hope you have a great day anyway...

  3. Shucks...hope it fines up for you tomorrow...looks dismal there now!

  4. Man, it NEVER rains over here! You are so lucky! I wish we had a rainy day for than 3 times a year. I love hearing the rain outside and on the windows. :(

  5. P.S. I'm tagging you for something on my blog.

  6. YAY - I was starting to think I was the only one who was too precious to go walking in the rain ... lol ... I keep saying I should do my ironing too seeing as it's so cold and wet outside but with the kids and hubby gone to visit granddad I have the house to myself and how boring would it be to spend this time ironing?

  7. We had a beautiful day - hot! Seriously - well until mid afternoon when we had a couple of showers.

  8. Steve8:35 PM

    Well for once the weather in Palmy was nicer than yours. Glad to see its the last day of holidays, tell the kids i miss them :)


  9. Same here today...pissing down and freezing cold!! We also got a break in the weather and took the two furry kids for a quick run on the beach. I saw your comment.....what have you been up to ya tart!!? Revenge will be sweet :)

  10. Glad you had a break so you could get some exercise!

  11. We Oregonians get use to the daily rain over here. That's why we goof off when it's finally sunny.


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