Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm thinking.......

and sweet bugger all is coming to mind!

- Kids to school

after that I might go back to bed! SO...there ya have it....another riveting day lined up....if the headache I have goes... I might get more interesting later.

BUT FOR NOW....I better get up and sort out the kids....

I'm up.... I've had some diet coke... and starting to come alive again! I have found an excuse to go out! I need more ink cartridges for the printer.... hell I have needed them for ages but just never got around to it... so I will do that today.
And I'm thinking of joining a gym again... it's all very well having your own equipment, but the motivation isn't there! So, hopefully I can find one in my area that will be perfect for me.... I would LOVE to find one that has RPM classes at times that suit me. Fingers crossed ....

OK, today's 'mug shot'.... cos I am feeling a lot better now! I had a sauna... BLISS... and am finally ready to face the day..... OK it is 10.30 but who cares? And "NO" I ain't smiling... get over it.

Today I'm playing it safe and wearing a longer dress... HA! There is NO wind today.... and it's lovely and warm again....

ABOVE AND BELOW: I just made these star blocks for the Australian Bushfire Survivors' Quilts... must send them over ASAP...

Almost time to go and get the kids from school.. there isn't enough hours in the day sometimes...

The floors just got washed again, dinner is in the oven.. shit I feel like a 'real' housewife today! Cooking, cleaning, sewing... what else can I do?

I didn't get around to finding a new gym, maybe tomorrow I can look around.

End of Day: rest of the evening is going to be spent getting all three layers of Brylee's quilt lined up and pinned together. Should be fun... nite nite.


  1. Hope the headache goes away!

  2. I am also going back to bed when the kids are at school hardly slept and am knackered....

  3. Hope you are feeling better. I have posted some pics of the view from the condo will post the insides over the next few days. another snow storm today. $#$@$% Snow again, it is almost spring somewhere! But not here in Nova Scotia. I have been standing on my feet so much the last few weeks over seeing the work on the condo and my legs are all bruised from top to bottom everything I no longer have any ankles. I think you called them "cankles" in one of your posts.

  4. Hey sweetie

    Just a quickie........Idea that is.

    Do you have a University or Tafe around where you are? There are bound to be students studying sports and exercise science who would like a guinea pig and maybe they can meet you at your house a couple of times a week. A personal trainer that comes to you.

    You may be able to speak to the lecturer and let them know what your looking for and they may have a star student that can help you out. It will also work out cheaper than a gym and with them coming to you there are no excuses.

    Have a great day.


  5. Are you joking about it being warm!!! It's freezing down here, I have on polar fleece and track pants!

  6. Hope you feel better. Ha! Love the skirt-blowing story. That's one way to get rid of annoying sales people.

  7. I'm not much of a smiler either. Not that I'm not a laugher, just not a smiler... Glad you're feeling better!

  8. Glad you are feeling better, but you look like a deer caught in the headlights.

  9. Oh my lord I wish I had ankles like yours that could fit into shoes.

    I am dreading this wedding next week so much, not only for the outfit but for the fucken shoes.

    I can't fit anything I would dearly love to wear a heel.

    When your feet used to be really puffy what would you wear if you had to go out, shoewise?

  10. Good luck on the gym thing. It's so hard to find one that feels comfortable, with people you like (or at least can make fun of).

    I'm not hitting on you...but you have absolutely gorgeous eyes! You wear them well, too!

    I love that you are so damn honest! It is refreshing!

    Let me know when you need some prayers!!

  11. I hate headaches, they really take the stuffing out of me. Hopwe yours goes quickly.

  12. oh, very cute skirt, and very cute shoes!

  13. Chris, even if you aren't feeling 100% with your headache, you've sure got the greatest blue eyes! Wow!

    And you are so talented with your sewing. I wish I could quilt like you do, but I don't have the patience.

  14. Bloody freezing here. Lit the fire yesterday. Brrr....

    A wee bit cold to be flashing.

    Glad you're feeling better. Sucks being sick.

  15. I like your shoes!!!

  16. Hey there long time reader - first time commenter on your blog.
    I live in Papakura so not far from ya!!!
    But there is apparently a new gym in Hill road that has opened if interested??? I will track down so information for you.

  17. Sorry me again - just found the info
    It is Shape Up Studio
    160 Polo Prince Drive
    (Off the back way to Manukau City)
    Ph 2682181
    Good luck
    I haven't been there personally so can't comment much on it but a friend has joined and she says its ok

  18. Chris - of course someone will want Izzy, she's gorgeous. Just never had the wandering with the other two and wondering if it's because Izzy was used to a restricted area - and now there is freedom all around. I'm sure she'll be fine with a family with a fenced yard. Toby will be lonely and we will hate seeing her go:-(

  19. The shoes are to die for - very cute! Have a good day!

  20. The patchwork squares look awesome! Put your blog address on the back. Maybe the person that recieves them will contact you some day :o)


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