Sunday, March 01, 2009


It took me two days to cut and sew the blocks together, then

25 hours to do the hand sewing SO FAR... I have done 33 of the 50 blocks as of last night. I am going to take a break today and go out! ABOVE AND BELOW: two of the colourways , I think they are beautiful and I hope Brylee really loves her quilt once it's finished.

No matter what the weather is like today we are getting outta the house... and I am getting off me bum! The eye strain from all that sewing is probably giving me the headaches too... so NO sewing till tonight!

Not sure where/what we will do today... but ONWARD...
Today we headed over to the North Shore of Auckland... went along the coast road.. first stop was Brown's Bay, where we had a dawdle through the local market then stopped at the beach:
It was OK, but lots of seaweed swept in by the recent bad weather.. then we moved on to:
OREWA, where we had lunch and the kids had a lovely long swim...
There was this Dude on a long board with a paddle who kept trying to catch a wave (there weren't many)... but when he did...
He had fun... and even did a headstand and handstand on his board. He looked a bit of a dork actually! lol
I will NEVER get sick of this gorgeous view of Auckland City from the North Shore...
We left Orewa at 3pm and it took us exactly 35 minutes on the motorway to get home... from one side of Auckland to the other... not bad time-wise at all.
Next weekend I'd like to visit Victoria Park Market ... it's in the heart of Auckland city.... could be fun? Right, time to go do some sewing again....
End of Day: got 6 more friggin blocks done tonight... am off to bed happy. nite nite.


  1. oh that is so pretty Chris! I could not do all that sewing! crocheting yes, sewing no:)
    hope you enjoy your day

  2. Oh my goodness---that looks like so much hard work!!! I can't wait to see it when it's all finished!!!

  3. ohhhh I am so loving this quilt!!!! great work !~

  4. Absolutely gorgeous Chris. I'm sure Brylee will love it. I told a friend you were making a bed quilt in cathedral windows and she couldn't believe it either.. you are amazing. The book I mentioned before is Cathedral windows by Lynne Edwards. Check it out on the net. they're quite amazing.

  5. That quilt is looking lovely, Chris. Lucky kids .... these will become family heirlooms. And what a lovely way to remember their childhood and the love they had.

  6. The blocks are so pretty! Can't wait to see them all put together.

  7. You chose the right day to get out of the house chick!! Beeeautiful weather out there today!!!

  8. I love Victoria Market!

    35 minutes it really good- takes for ever in peak hour though.

  9. Omg i live so close to Owera, like not even a 5 minutes drive. We so should catch up!

  10. wow the quilt looks great chris im sure brylee will just love it
    Yep nice day for a tiki tour looks like you had fun
    Victoria Park isnt as good as it used to be but you will be able to fill in a bit of your weekend lol
    have a good week

  11. You are so talented Chris! I envy you!!

  12. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous!
    Looks like you had a lovely day at the beach. Thanks for sharing the lovely pics.
    I just bought New Zealand apricots at my local supermarket! I don't know where our own Tasmanian apricots are?!

  13. I love Orewa and we would have bought a place there if we could have afforded it. The quilting look amazing too by the way :)

  14. You are so talented Chris!! The quilt is so pretty. It's lovely the colors and materials you chose to put together. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!!

  15. I wish we lived closer to the coast. Warmer temps would be nice too. We got snow last week.


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