Monday, March 16, 2009


Ahhh Monday again.... love it!
- Kids to school
- Ring around companies for a quote for a conservatory...

I have been thinking.... that we need an extra area for the treadmill/exercycle and my sewing table... having them in the garage is all very well.... till it rains all the time and we want to put the vehicles away. So, I am getting quotes for a conservatory to be built over the morning deck... it's about the only place to put one on this property and it will utilise an area we hardly use.

At this stage it's only in the 'maybe' pile cos I have NO IDEA what it might cost! Usually when I think of a cost it is DOUBLE what I think it will be... so I'm not even guessing! All I know is it is hard getting used to such a small house compared to our last one! Much as I LOVE this house, it is small.

So, that's what I plan on doing today.... and maybe sewing... and doing some housework too. OH YAaaa.

Yesterday while we were visiting Stew's Stepmother .. ... in her area (Remuera) they were having their INORGANIC rubbish collection... this is where you can put stuff out at the curb for collection for free.... well across the road from the Resthome was this huge pile of 'stuff' ready for collection... and I saw these two cute wee kiddies armchairs.... and I nabbed them! I AM A SCAVENGER... I admit it!!! I have never done it before, and I did feel a bit 'naughty'.. but hey... they were being thrown out! I can clean them, make slip covers for them and use them for the grandbabies!
ABOVE: the two wee armchairs.... so cute!
HA! We won't be getting a conservatory! As I thought... it is double what I reckon it would cost! I was thinking between $7 - $10,000..... try $15 - $20,000 ! I can't believe a bit of aluminium and glass can cost so much...Pfffft. Sad.
So now I have to think of something else....
End of Day: it's been quiet all afternoon/evening.. just the usual stuff. nite nite.


  1. Oh those chairs are SO cute Chris! Would love something like that for Madam Rachel! LOL Might do some searching on Trade Me :) Have a great day.

  2. Great snatch & grab, Chris! You could get really creative with them. Don't feel naughty, people do it all the's called RECYCLING.

    I have a series of books called "Trash to Treasure" that I'd be happy to loan you.

    You go, girl!!!!

  3. Those chairs are adorable!!!! I woulda snagged em too!

  4. OK, I usually only think of "Conservatories" as a room in Clue games.

  5. oh, clean 'em & recover them. they'll be great!

  6. excellent find there chris... people amaze me with what they will throw out.

  7. The chairs are cute - and I can imagine you will do something wonderful with them:-)

  8. hi there, just a thought regarding the conservatory. If your needing an 'exact' made to measure then my idea may be a problem, but a few years ago one of my brothers (builder) got into buying property and doing them up. He added a conservatory to two houses as he got them from the manufacturer at almost half price. He wasn't needing them to be 'exact sizes' and discovered them after collecting a glass order for another house. I was in the market for a big ranch slider (to convert a garage to another lounge) so he put me in touch with them and when they had a mis-sized ranch slider come up they phoned me, and whoa la, almost half the normal price.

    I was told that sometimes they make mistakes when they need an 'exact' colour match, or exact size and then sell it off cheaply, so thought it may be an option to get one cheaper.

    It does require a little patience though as it took about 4mths for me to get a ranch slider in silver which was the colour I need for that particular house. (and at the time most people wanted bronze)

    anyway, its a thought.

  9. Can't wait to see what you will do with the kiddies chairs.

  10. Boy they charge a lot in Akld. I know from the conservatories that we do that what you thought it would cost is in the region of what we charge and I can tell you Mr T has made some pretty big conservatories. But not that much.

    Love those armchairs tho. They're gorgeous.

  11. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sounds like a good idea to build over the deck. I've been thinking of the same thing. I'm just sure how sturdy our deck is.

  12. Think laterally with your conservatory idea! Get someone to build a frame to your requirements and then just get a glazier to come and fill it in. If you say the word "conservatory"...then it becomes this big special "thing" that costs the earth. If you think "small extension" and get a frame price then get a glazier to give you a quote on the glass.....I think that would work out to around your first price thought?

  13. ohhhhhhhhh I would have picked up the little chairs too, they so cute!!!

  14. i dont know how expensive a treadmill you have, but i'd get it out of a spot where its damp if i were you..

  15. Sorry to hear the construction is too costly. Looks like you scored yourself some lovely treasure. The weekend seemed to be very entertaining. I would have been put off too by the ashes. He should have left him in the car till after dinner. Have a great day.

  16. Those are great little chairs Chris! You have the talent to make them even more adorable.

    We went to a big rummage sale yestereday hear our house. I got some cool stuff for a party I'm having later in the year. I walked away with 2 bags full of stuff and spent less than $10! That's my kind of shopping!


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