Saturday, March 28, 2009


My back hurts.
My shoulders ache.
And if I prick myself with ONE MORE BLOODY PIN I am going to scream!

What the hell possessed me to take up bloody quilting? It is tiring, it is frustrating. ... and friggin pin pricks are driving me nuts.

And you can bet your bottom dollar that all the sitting at the machine is making me butt spread even further. pffffft.

Today is Saturday, I did all the housework yesterday. YAAA.
Stew is knackered, he's had a long stressful week.
I am going to let the poor bugger sleep in.
I am going to muzzle the kids so he can SLEEP.

When he gets up I'm gunna suggest we go on another tiki tour.
I have a chook in the oven so we can have a picnic somewhere nice with fresh chicken and cheese sandwiches.

All my kids should remember being taken on picnics with chicken and cheese sandwiches! It's our favourite picnic lunch!

I am quite sure I don't WANT to do ANY SEWING today! AND...
I am quite sure I will probably end up doing some sewing today..... cos that's what I am like. DORK.

There... one cooked chook, fresh outta the oven... we are off to...LEIGH.... it's a beach community about an hour and a half north from home... I have been there once before, about 20 years ago... but never really got to look around. I was there for a funeral... so this time I am gunna have a good look around.
6pm ... we have had a awesome day! Photos ....
ABOVE: heading into the tunnel on the new toll road heading north out of Auckland.
ABOVE: the wharf at Leigh... very pretty scenery.

ABOVE: Still on the Leigh wharf... I loved the inlet at Leigh, but it didn't really have much of an ocean beach. And virtually NO SHOPS.

ABOVE: Matheson's Bay, just along from Leigh... very pretty, gorgeous clear water... sheltered.... not such nice sand.

ABOVE: Griffin on the rocks at Matheson's Bay... quite a few people were scuba diving for shellfish here. The water was amazingly clear!

ABOVE: Omaha beach... We loved this beach, we walked along about half of it... nice firm sand.... gorgeous views, gorgeous water. 1 SHOP, but it isn't far from Warkworth shops... and only about an hour from Auckland. I loved the place.

ABOVE AND BELOW: we saw this octopus in a tiny water pool at Omaha, Griffin would have loved to poke it to death.... or take it home! NOT HAPPENING! lol

ABOVE: Bry posing.... she got very cold in just a few minutes... she doesn't like the cold water.
ABOVE: Griffin on the other hand... won't stay out of the water! He loves it.
ABOVE: Griffin's idea of 'posing' for the camera. NICE..... little shit.
ABOVE: LOOK!!! I got me feet wet! It wasn't that cold really. I really loved being on the beach.

ABOVE: the river flowing through Warkworth... it's tidal... the tide was out.... it was ikky, it smelt..... but it was pretty. Luckily you can't smell over the computer.

ABOVE: heading home we saw this 'structure' up a tree.... it's called REDWOOD.. . we think it was/is a restaurant .... not sure if it's still one or not. Maybe not as there was no way to get to it. Anyway, it was photo worthy.
So, that was our day!
End of Day: we are pleasantly tired... hopefully the kids will fall asleep fast....then Stew and I can have some 'us' time. nite nite.


  1. those chicken and cheese sandwiches. I still make them with some of the leftovers from roast chicken.

    Have a great Tiki tour...Auckland is certainly a great place to do that. :-)

  2. Have a great picnic! It sounds like it will be lots of fun, and yummy too.

  3. Your quilts are truly a work of art. I'm glad you took it up. I like looking at the stuff you made and MAN are you fast at it!!

    Hope you have a wonderful time on this tiki tour.

  4. Yummmm that sounds lovely a picnic :-). Have a great day :-)

  5. Hmm chicken and cheese sammies sound fantastic!!! Having roast chicken for dinner tonight so maybe the leftovers will get that treatment tomorrow

  6. It is a lovely day to go for a picnic and tiki tour!! have fun (oh and there is a Home Show on at the ASB showgrounds with a section on sewing/handicrafts).

  7. Oh I love Leigh... been there a few times. One of the most beautiful sights in the world from the top of the hills there.

  8. ok, sorry gotta ask - chook= roasted chicken? thats what I got out of it anyway, lol. Looks good and the chicken/cheese sandwiches sound yummy!
    Glad you had fun!

  9. Leigh is cool!! I think that is where they have this cool little op shop where Blair bought a walking stick one time.

    It's lovely up that way, one of the only areas around Auckland that I have seen.

  10. Have a lovely day Chris. Your Tiki tour sounds like fun.

    And your chook looks yummy!!

  11. yummmm and love your quilts too! have tons of fun!!

  12. Yeah your right it is a restaurant they created it as part of the Yellow pages ad. It cost $130 a head and is only open in summer for about 8 to 12 weeks. Hope that helps

  13. Looks like a perfect day - so much to see up there! Enjoy!

  14. Yummy, lovely picnic, and the pics were lovely.
    Hope you enjoyed your evening.

  15. You always do the most amazing day trips with your family. It makes me want to visit New Zealand so badly! The Tourism Bureau should be paying you.

  16. hey honey!! It's been a while since I blogged and read blogs... but I'm doing both tonight! Catching up on your blog is such a great read.

    I LOVE your quits... but bloody hell - hard work! I wouldn't do it!

    As for your anon comments - F#%@ them! Keep on bloggin'. Don't change a thing.

    I 'tagged' you in my blog (got a read it) - but no pressure. Just a bit of fun.

    hope to have plenty of time to read blogs when I'm away....
    take care.

  17. What a lovely day you and the family had! The beach AND chicken! Who could ask for more?

  18. WOW Look at that octopus! Elf will be thrilled!

  19. You know, our favourite picnic meal is a hot chicken, tub of butter and a loaf of fresh bread. Can't beat it. And a bag of chips and a block of chocolate just to be sure! lol.

    Looks like a fantastic day. I agree, it's just nice being at the beach, never mind donning a stupid bathing suite and doing impressions of a whale! haha. Glad you had a great day. xx

    PS buy a thimble... wouldn't be without mine.

  20. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Fab Photo's! Nice Octopus. Look like you had an awesome day out :0)

  21. Looks like a great day. Too bad it rained most of spring break over here.


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