Monday, March 30, 2009


Today we are taking Stew's Dad's ashes to Hamilton for internment with Stew's Mum.... we are expecting a long day... we are taking the kids with us and of course Stew's sister and Step-Mother are coming too.

As promised... here's the finished quilt for me Mum:

As you can see, I didn't make the border too wide.. it is afterall a 'knee rug' and I didn't want it to get too heavy. I hope my Mum likes it. It's her birthday in May... so now it's done I can move back to the other 'star' quilt I was making. Mum's one took me 5 days! Not bad.


I had to go into Remuera to pick up Stew's Step-Mum... a trip that 'normally' would take 20 minutes ended up taking me 1 hr and 25 minutes due to the mad morning traffic.

We got to Hamilton no problems... interred most of the ashes with Stew's Mum... the cemetery people had dug the hole and just left us to it... it was weird! So, we tipped most of his ashes into the hole, said a few words... then filled in the hole with the dirt that was in buckets nearby! Griffin loved that... and he grabbed the spade and leveled it all too... cos he said Grandad liked a tidy garden, so he would want a tidy grave! That was so bloody cute.

Stew found it oddly unemotional...

After that we headed to lunch, then walked into the Hamilton Rose Gardens and sprinkled the rest of Dad's ashes on the rose beds... He had been the person who designed and instigated the Hamilton Rose Gardens ... so it was appropriate some of him went there!

From there we headed home, with a short stop at a Patchwork shop at Gordonton... it was AMAZING!!! I will be heading back there soon for a more leisurely look! I am just gobsmacked at how many different materials there are out there!

So, all in all a really nice day...

END OF DAY: looking forward to tomorrow, when I can go to patchwork again.... though it really is only a place to go for a gossip! The 'TUTOR' isn't really! She is just part of the group. nite nite.


  1. Wow you made that so fast!

  2. Its lovely - the knee rug..., you bloggers are so talented, your with your arts n crafts and Anne with her recipies lol. Hope today goes well for your trip, safe travels.

  3. The quilt looks great, I'm sure your mother will love it.

    I hope your trip to Hamilton is not too taxing on you all.

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The quilt is absolutely gorgeous, your mum will love it. Your a very talented chicky! Have a great day. Raining here in the land of OZ.

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    your mum's rug is gorgeous Chris be proud of it and I am sure your Mum will love it. Hope your day goes as well as it can. another chapter closing you and your family will be in my heart today. Hugs

  6. The knee rug looks fantastic. I am defiantely not a sewer, I even had to take a top around to a friends to be repaired I am that bad.

  7. I'm sure your Mum will love it but what the hell is a knee rug? How old is your Mum?

  8. I'm sure your mum will love that, it's gorgeous:-)

  9. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I feel like it took me hours to get caught up on your blog! Dang! I missed a lot.

    Your mom's quilt is just beautiful! I can't believe you did that in five days and still blogged, cleaned your house, and went on adventures. You are amazing.

    It was upsetting to read about your anonymous commentor. I'm glad you didn't delete your blog. Some people have a hard time getting people who say it like it is and/or are sarcastic at times. I come from a sarcastic background and have gotten some heat at different times for my sense of humor. I always look at people's actions more than anything else when I'm judging their character. It is what you do... that really shows where you are coming from. You, my friend, show who you are and what is important to you by the choices you make every day. I'm sorry that some anonymous person hurt your feelings and didn't even have the courage to attach their name to whatever they had to say to you.


  10. Oh, I imagine it will be a long day.

    the quilt---5 days??? that's amazing.

  11. Wow, you truely are a legend when it comes to getting in and getting the job done.

    If only I had half your motivation.

  12. Oh, wow! Those chooks look lovely! Your mum will love it! Clever duck you are.

    I hope the weather is nice for your day trip to Hamilton. Somber occasion perhaps, but enjoy the day and I hope it goes well for you.


  13. What a beautiful gift for your ARE SO TALENTED! There must be mixed emotions...or at least I think there would be for me with Stew's Dad's ashes...I hope his resting place is a beautiful and peaceful spot.

  14. beautiful quilt you amaze me with your mad quilting skills and dedication!
    hugs on the rest of the day!

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hi Chris, I might be stating the obvious here, but have you thought of using metal thimbles to stop you getting holes in your fingers, It must hurt like crazy.

    Magpie ( Maggie)

  16. sounds like your day went well chris and a stop off at grandmothers garden definately worth a longer trip lol the lap quilt looks stunning well done you

  17. Now that is a nice quilt! I'm sure you mom will just love it. You seemed to have had a busy weekend out and about. It looks so lovely where you live and to be so close to so many beaches must be bliss. Glad to hear all went with with getting Stew's Dad ashes interned.

  18. five days...

    It would take me five years. And I'd have to have someone do about half of it LOL

    I'm sorry about Stew just being unemotional at the grave. I hope he is ok, hon. :[ I'm not sure if that is just his way or not...

  19. great quilt have done so well...hugs Khris in Oz


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