Sunday, February 01, 2009


Last night Tania sent me a comment in relation to the kids going back to school, saying: "Surely you gest...Aren't you going to miss them even the slightest during the day?"

HA HA HA, Tania you are so FUNNY.... and obviously you have NOT been a mother for 30 years already! AND raised 8 friggin kids either!

Pfffffft.... no Tania, I am not going to miss them during the day. I am going to be like a pig in mud, and wallow in the peace. So there.
Now you go back to your two wee darlings (they are NICE at that age) while I continue counting down to Tuesday.... *smiles*

NOW, where was I? OH yes, some photos from yesterday:

ABOVE: The Hamilton Lake which is really near Waikato Hospital, you can see the Womens' Hospital in the background (left)... that's where I had Mike 19 years ago!

ABOVE: The Hamilton Lake (I'm sure it's real name is Lake Rotoroa?)... there were heaps of little sail boats on it too. It has a really cool kid's playground on it's foreshore...

ABOVE: Here's Brylee and Griffin on a different type of 'swing'... they loved it.

And look who's walking around the furniture! AND waving at her Grandma (that would be ME). All say "Awwwwwww" now! lol


I am being plauged by HOT FLUSHES AGAIN. They are so draining... I can't seem to do anything without bringing one on. I'm so tired all the time.

Today we have done bugger all... watched a lot of TV that was taped while we were away on holiday (Coronation Street) and just chillin out.

Stew and the kids went to the supermarket too... I stayed home. Stew got home and told me while at the supermarket the kids SOMEHOW managed to smash one of the freezers in the supermarket! DAMN, a blog fodder moment lost forever! Glad I wasn't there though cos I would have been so cross! Stew doesn't know how they did it... and luckily for us the Management did not seem to be worried.

End of Day: nothing new to report, just a quiet afternoon/evening. nite nite.


  1. Aww Chris, love the photos!
    I can understand you anting your peace and quiet ! I only have one child and I love it when summers over!

  2. Awww - Rena is so cute, she looks a bit of a character!

  3. That swing is KEWL! And I don't blame you for wanting a moment's peace, though Brylee and Griffin are very precious.

  4. Awwwwww.

    I'm not going to miss mine either. LOL

  5. Vray cute your grandaughter is, and my how fast they grow,


  7. I've only been a mom for almost 15 years and I do a little happy dance everytime Monday rolls around!

  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I only have until Tuesday and then I will have 28 of those little darlings! Aargh!

  9. Oh yes, I remember fondly of the days when my kids went back to school. There are alot of kids in our neighborhood, so actually, I still look forward to the days when school starts again. The neighborhood is much quieter.

    I can't believe your kids smashed a display glass in the market. HOw did that happen? Honestly, I'm surprised it never happened to me when my kids were little.

    That baby is precious. I just love that age, don't you?

    Have a good week Chris, you deserve some peace and quiet.


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