Monday, December 01, 2008


YEAH WHY NOT .....I think I will!

So, today....
- Kids to school
- Go for a swim
- Home to do housework....

I am freakin pleased with myself too.... I was ever so good last night at the BBQ.... I really do think I have found me mo-jo again! It is a great feeling.

I am going to attend a Weight Watcher's Meeting in Manukau this week, on Tuesday... I need to find a meeting that I like, and while Sylvia Park was OK, only 1-3 ladies stayed for the meeting, and I am looking for a larger group, one where I have a chance of meeting a friend or two! That is how I meet and made so many really lovely friends down in Palmerston North. I know it will take a bit of time, but I have all the time in the world, I ain't going anywhere!

So, I nearly talked myself out of going swimming this morning... but I WENT, I loved it.... and now I have dripping wet hair and I don't care! Well I do actually, that's the bit about swimming I dislike... having to wash/dry me hair all the time. But, it's worth it. My arms are feeling it again now....
After lunch... I TOTALLY FADED.. and had a 2 hour nana nap!!!! DOH... still havn't done any housework!
Just picked up the kids (I drove)... and dang! I found this in the car:

We recieved this cute little parcel a couple of weeks ago!!!! And I left it in the car! Soooooo sorry Kristin! She sent it for Stew, the Champion FARTER in this house! So funny! Kristin is in Singapore..... We have been there... loved the place. So clean, so safe, some amazing SHOPS!!!! Very happy memories of our two weeks there visiting my brother, who lived there at the time.

I found a new 'pick me up' .... I put this lovely photo of our home on my computer as the 'Desktop Background'.... it cheers me up looking at it! I'm a sad git eh? lol

End of Day: I just got awful news... my girlfriend Chris D's husband Dave passed away this evening... I am so upset, I was so looking forward to seeing him again on Wednesday when I fly down there. FATE. Now I hope to still be there for his funeral and to support my friend. nite nite.


  1. That's probably what I need to do too. I did really well on WW before.

  2. It snowed here today and you're swimming.


  3. About the hair: I think I've read that you should rinse your hair BEFORE going in chlorinated water. It helps to seal it and not let the chemicals effect your color (especially for blondes).

    You sound very positive, which is just absolutely wonderful to hear! Have a blessed day!

  4. Swimming in November? guess I'll hope on over there for a bit... instead of freezing me arse off here..

  5. Glad to hear that you have found your mo-jo again! Good job on the swimming - I really love it but never get myself out there to do it. There is an adults only pool in my development which is open for the summer . . . I could do that. But first I would have to go swim suit shopping. Gasp!

    I am so happy that you are feeling happier!

  6. I did ww a couple of years ago and joined the YMCA. I went to water aerobics a couple of times a week and loved it. It kicked my ass. Then it got too cold to drive home with wet hair, so I stopped. Pitiful excuse huh? Keep up the good work. I wish we lived closer, I'd go with you.

  7. Good luck with finding a meeting the good ones seem few and far between with WW :-)

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    How did you get that tv ad in your blog smart lady. I absolutely love that ad too. So cute... please email me and let me know where you find these things.

    Hope you have a great time catching up with your friends on Wednesday. Will hope PN puts on a gorgeous hot day for you.. we have had a really hot, uncomfortable weekend.. no fun being fat in summertime. think I'm going to join WW AGAIN too!

  9. i always get a chuckle when you tell me about taking your kids to school when over here in the states its still sunday night... :)

  10. awesome on feeling the mojo :) I always hate the chlorine in my skin and hair...but I loved to swim then my ears went nuts and I just could not take it ... I really should get back into the water.
    HUGS Laura

  11. I'm so glad to hear that things are back on track for you and that you are feeling positive.

    Keep it up the exercise Chris - you rock!

  12. No you are not sad for having your home as your desktop background... I change my background all the time - at the moment its Matarangi but usually it is Fletcher. I'm glad you are doing well this week :)

  13. Good feeling being back in control and having your mojo back once more:-)

  14. sorry to hear about your friend dave my thoughts are with you and she will be glad to have you there

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends husband, i'm sure she'll appreciate having your support when you visit. It puts a lot of things in perspective doesn't it?

  16. So sorry to hear about your friends husband, but I am sure she'll be glad to have you there for support.

    Glad you found your mojo again.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends husband and I'm sure she will love your support when your down there later this week.

  18. Oh know so sorry to hear the news. Life sux's at times... take care.

  19. Sorry about your friend - I hate that part about swimming too - and YES, a WW meeting you LIKE makes all the difference in the UNIVERSE.

  20. Very nice house. I actually thought you wrote "pick up line" instead "pick me up."

  21. For me, swimming is alot like sex. I always want to go to sleep afterward.

    My condolences to your friend on her loss. I can't imagine the hurt that is being felt.


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