Thursday, December 11, 2008


I think I will go into town to see the Father-in-law, make sure he's Ok, then come back to Manukau and do a few jobs....

I MUST DO SOME CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!!! I have done bugger all and it's starting to freak me out that I need to do it LIKE NOW!

Eating... has been shit over the past few days, just havn't been home or had time to be sensible really! And kinda stressed... hell that's the story of my life right now. SUCKS.

I'm really hoping for a nice day... I need it. ONWARD.....
ABOVE: the latest addition to our Christmas tree... can you tell what it is ? And why it's there??? Most of you guessed it... Teddy can't get at the tree now! Little shit quite liked the decorations.
Been shopping! Got a few things.... still a bit more to go yet...
THIS IS GOOD.... cos I love shopping! No secret there.
Also spent a few hours with my FIL... the nurse told me today that as his breathing has settled down again he could last up to and maybe MORE than 2 weeks yet! He is having NO food or water and he could last that long??? *shaking head*... could be a long two weeks!
Right, I'm off to get the kids and then take Teddy for a SEVERE haircut! He's covered in knots, the poor bugger. I have been cutting his hair, but the fluffy stuff inderneath is all matted. He's a HIGH MAINTENANCE dog is our Teddy!
End of Day: we no longer have a cat-dog. ... we have a rat-dog! He will proudly show you tomorrow how butt-ugly he looks now! nite nite.


  1. You sound just like me, Christmas shopping and eating, so far apart, but so much alike. Have a good day.


  3. I haven't done a thing for Christmas either. Sorry things are rough. (((Wishing you well)))

  4. goot moooorning. Its a barrier to keep Stew out of the presents.

  5. goot moooorning. Its a barrier to keep Stew out of the presents.

  6. So is Teddy attacking the tree or threatening to use it as a pee post???? lol, yep like you I need to get to the shops, Steve is on at me to get it done, he loves shopping - strange boy!! Shops open to midnight tonight, what fun!!!

  7. LOl - I need something like that around my christmas tree to stop my cat pulling it over.

  8. Hmmmm....looks to me like Mr Teddy might have taken a liking to the shiny balls!!!

  9. no xmas shopping yet? get on it, girl!

  10. Love the anti dog pen - great idea :-)

  11. Love the tree!!!

    Oh, and I just wanted to tell you about this amazing site that is challenging people to inspire the WOLRD IN JUST 25 DAYS!!!

    Thanks and God Bless,

  12. LOL nothing to do with a little puppy by any chance.... :-)

  13. @nd try at posting a comment.....blogger is/was acting strange!!

    ROFLMAO......we had one of those round our tree many years ago when Tarsha was a young dog. Keeps the decorations on the tree and the presents beneath safe :) Poor Teddie will have to find something else to play with...LOL
    Big Hugs for all you are facing day to day. Stay strong.
    Jenny :)

  14. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Chris, it's a horrible cruel experience to watch someone die like this. Dad lived for 3 days without food or fluid and he had been intravenously fed for a week before that. Aunty had about 5 spoonfuls of food 3x day for 8 weeks before she died. Amazing, I can't go without food from breakfast to lunch at the moment. Roll on 2009

  15. So far so good on our tree!

    Poor FIL

  16. Our cat even though she is almost 18 still climbs up or christmas tree and it doesn't matter if it is fake or real tree.

    Hope things go better with you. Have a nice weekend.

  17. So that's why you have the tree fenced off. I thought maybe you got another grand baby in the house.

  18. Hey, I am going to take Teddy's side on this one - butt ugly creatures must stick together!


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