Friday, November 14, 2008


CHRISTMAS IS COMING... where the hell do I put the tree in this house?

I'm casting me eyes around thinking, thinking..... There's NOWHERE to put our huge tree! NOWHERE it will not be in the way ...

Hmmmmm... me thinks we need a new .. smaller tree. Do I smell some SHOPPING needing to be done? LOL.... and I saw a Christmas Shop the other day in Sylvia Park! PERFECT. Might go check it out this weekend. With Stew of course. And the kids. But not the dog.
Today: well... I'm rambling cos well.... I have bugger all to do! I could do some weeding. Or some housework. Or finish that darn mosaic table top. Which I broke yesterday and have to replace some of the tiles on the top of. Or I could go for a walk. On my own. Which is not nice. On ya own. And Teddy is no company. Hell he can't walk far EVEN.

So... I will just read blogs instead of the above... so all you buggers hurry up and update.... I need something to read. Cos if ya don't I'm gunna HAVE TO DO THE BLOODY HOUSEWORK. Or something.

I'm sitting here reading/commenting on blogs, the washing is on... and Teddy is being a pain in the butt! He keeps going down the hallway and raiding the bedrooms! He chews the kids toys, he jumps on my bed and gets Stew's jama's and chews them... after messing up me bed while fossicking! So... I came up with the solution:

Nah na na na! Can't get down the hallway now! ( I had been closing the door, but it's so nice to have the breeze going through the house, so don't want it closed all the time).

LYNDA: good idea, why didn't I think of that?

I can easily put this chair in storeage till after christmas! Stew will be SO RELIEVED we don't have to go buy a new tree! I think the tree will look nice there in the family room.

OH and what was I thinking? ME weeding! Not gunna happen! Dat's MEN'S work... so put it on your weekend list Stew!
Fossicking = mucking around, rummaging around, messing things up, looking for something! NOTHING dirty!
I have been lying in the sun... it is blistering HOT today, not a cloud in the sky. I've just picked up the kids.... soooo hot I was tempted to drive. Glad I didn't (read about it tomorrow).
End of Day: an awesome day! I got sunburnt (not badly), we had dinner in the park (not telling ya what cos it was EVIL) then we came home and had pudding (again, not telling ya, EVIL again)... and now? Chilling out watching some telly with me man. nite nite.


  1. Oh, you'll need a cute tabletop tree for that new mosaic table. Is it done?

  2. Don't even consider that Christmas shop for more than a few 'special' decorations... its not a cheap place to buy things. I'm sure you'll find a place for you tree - maybe move a chair or something just until Christmas is over.

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Hi there.. would you believe it? Another package appeared in the mail box (redirected to you) from Singapore..your birthday is really stretching out!!

    Talk to you soon. :-) Michele

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    No Thanksgiving in New Zealand!!! Well, I suppose not... I know it is an American holiday but I guess I really never thought about it only being celebrated here. Some of my neighbors are annoying me because they're putting up their Christmas decorations and Thanksgiving is not for two weeks. I don't decorate for Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving. It's funny because I've passed that on to my kids and they holler about it too.

    Teddy is too cute. At least he's not eating the crotch out of your underwear... oh wait, what is it you call them??? ugh. I can't remember... bloomers? not panties... hmmm??? We had a dog that did that. Nothing like doing the laundry only to find that most of your family needs new underthings.

  5. Hey Chris, Thanks for stopping by again. Your 15 minutes of fame sounds really great. I'd love to read about your weight's on a previous post, right?

    You crack me up with your day-to-day stuff. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your house...unless you like to swat flies!

    For Christmas, we move furniture all over the place and we pack up all the small stuff in the same boxes we empty with Christmas decs. I won't start, however, until after our Thanksgiving holiday. I'm old fashion that way!

    Have a good day!

  6. I hope for HEAVENS sake you can find the right spot, so you can be a little more in the spirit of Christmas! Did you find anything good to read?

  7. Ohhhh... Dare I ask what "fossicking" is? If it's what I think it is, don't tell me. Because I'm already thinking it.


  8. argh why make us wait! Cant ya tell us now?? Im all excited

  9. I was thinking exactly the same thing last night. We have bought a lounge suite and put it where the christmas tree normally goes.

    I'm surprised the kids haven't started bugging us to put it up. We are going to see Father Christmas this weekend because they keep changing their minds about what they are going to ask for - LOL!! At least when they tell him what they want, they can't change their minds.

    The rest of your post sounds very mysterious. Look forward to reading tomorrow.

  10. I don't have room for my tree at this new house, unless I put my dining room table and chairs in storage. Bah, not sure what to do. Can't not have a tree. Can't afford a smaller one.
    Think i'll ask my Dad if I can put the table and chairs in his garage for a few weeks. But then where do we eat?
    Can't even put the tree outside cos it's one of those fibre optic ones.

  11. Iv'e got those kiddy gates all over my house for our "Master of Disaster". Not only does he fossick around, he jumps on our bed sniffs the pillow and pees on Alan's pillow,then does his victory dance with his back leags,just trying to show who really is the boss. I think it's hilarious myself!!

  12. I was so over it last year I threw tinsel over a big potted palm and that was it!!! But then, we haven't got kids in the house:) I might get a bit merrier this year....who knows!!

  13. It amazes me that everytime I see new pics of your new house - I fall in love with it more and more!

    Thanks for the kind comments and I hope to be catching up here some.

  14. You don't need to go shopping for a smaller tree. You can just cut a hole in the roof for your tree.

  15. Great idea for Teddy! Too bad it doesn't work for cats - they just jump over or climb up and over.

  16. Think outside. If it was warm here, we would decorate outside. It is so pretty at night when we turn off the lights and see the lights on our deck. I'm not sure what the mG will want to do this year. Whatever it is, I will make it happen. MUD


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