Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today is going to be all about just spending time as a family, going shopping, day tripping and just chillin out!

No stress, no gardening, no de-cluttering, no sorting stuff out.... IT'S ALL DONE!!!

I will buy a squab/cushion box today.
I will take some photos of a beach near our home.
I will walk on the beach even!
I will not pig out.
I will try and be good....HELLL NO! I WILL BE GOOD.

So, that's me for quite some time..... come back late this afternoon when I MIGHT have had a chance to post a photo or two! I'm outta here to have a neat day.... rain or not!
WE have had an awesome day.. we had lunch at Sylvia Park, bought Griffin new summer sandals, adult size 4! I ordered myself a GHD !!!! Should arrive on Tuesday! Woooo hoooo!
Then we went ticky touring...
Beachlands beach....
A pier on the Beachlands beach....
The seagull took off just as I took the photo... AWESOME!
Maraetai Beach, which is just beautiful!
ABOVE AND BELOW: The pier on Maraetai Beach...
Got home at around 3 and Kelly and Gordon and kids called in for a visit....
I got some lovely photos of wee Rena, will show ya tomorrow... for now I'm going to do the 'chillin' bit of the day. NICE.
Don't even have to cook tonight, we are having left-over salmon quiche with salad. YUM.
End of Day: got to do all that we wanted to today, finally saw a bit more of our 'area'... the beach was only 25 minutes away! AWESOME. nite nite.


  1. Sounds like the perfect day, shopping, walking on the beach and spending time with your family :-)

  2. Hi Chris. I've seen some quite nice outdoor cushion/squab boxes here in Christchurch over the last week or so - at Bunnings & BBQ Factory. Not sure if you've checked out those places in Auckland, but if you haven't - you may find what you are looking for there. Have a good day.
    Cheers, Paula

  3. sounds like the perfect day. Enjoy and stay disciplined.

  4. I got stressed and pigged out...


    all this crabbiness from Magoo makes me eat....

    but I did run on my treadmill for a mile or so...

  5. oh you gotta love days like that! You are very lucky to have such gorgeous beaches so close - enjoy your down time.

  6. Looks like a great trip. Too bad it's almost winter over here.

  7. I thought of you Aucklanders last night. There was a show on TV about New Zealand and it was focussing on Auckland and it's surrounds. Looks stunning.

    Glad to hear you had such a lovely day.

  8. Got me some GHD's the other day, they just great :)

  9. Hey Chris that last photo of under the pier is beautiful! I love it :)

  10. Sounds like you have had a fab family day and you have got some awesome photos there!

  11. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Sounds like a great day, Chris :) I love the photos, especially the one of under the pier, very creative!

  12. How how lucky are you living so close to such a gorgeous beach!!!
    Yes I am still alive...

  13. Sounds like you all had a fantastic day and I love the pictures.


  15. That is just beautiful!


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