Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Me being a Weight Watcher 'n' all... I judge everything I eat by how many 'points' it's worth..
So I know a banana that fits in the curve of my hand is around 1.5 points.....

See??? A nice size banana = 1.5 points. Yesterday I was at the supermarket and saw a new banana, one I had never seen before! So I got two.....















Have ya ever seen such a huge banana? I sure havn't, it's got me gobsmacked! ha ha ha.

I am hoping it tastes good! It would be a real bugger if it was really awful to the taste.


Dunno! Kids to school, might go for a walk before it gets too hot... might work on me tan..... the choices I have!!! Being a 'kept woman' is wonderful.


Apparently (Thanks Teresa) that monster is a Plantain Fruit... in the Banana family... but needs to be cooked to be eaten... so I'm looking up recipes! Me... reading a recipe!!!!

AMANDA: ya grubby tart! lol

It's a cloudy day here, perfect for blog reading! I have 283 updates to read! Hmmmm ... maybe not! Just the most recent me thinks....

Right.... I've been reading/commenting on blogs for 2 hours.. I'm done! If I missed you, sorry. I am off to stretch me legs! I just 'marked as read' about 230 odd blog updates... EVIL. But necessary, I could never read them all. You just have to love me anyway.

OMG... some of your comments are soooooo EVIL....I am never putting a fruit on me blog again... my mind boggles at what you dirty buggers will come up with next !

I'm going to SHARE my banana with Stew... now make what ya like of that statement!!!!

You ever have days where no matter what ya do... you just feel 'flat'? Well that's me today.. can't seem to get motivated to do anything... feel yuk, moody, tired.... and all that jazz. *sigh*

The only good thing I've done all day is help my 81 year old neighbour get her new oven to go..... THAT'S IT. The rest of the time I've just moped around feeling ikkkk. I put some chops in the microwave to defrost.. and cooked them instead... still in the polystyrene trays and gladwrap! NICE. Hope they ain't friggin awful to eat!

Still havn't checked out a recipe for the HUGE nana..... useless.

End of Day: another one bites the dust. Still feeling ikkkk, think it's PMT... got bloody sore boobs. I may not have the girly bits necessary for monthly's anymore, but I still ovulate and get friggin sore boobs.... damn.

NSV: none, friggin NONE. nite nite.


  1. Pretty sure that's a "plantain fruit" and has to be cooked in order to be consumed.

    "Happy Birthday Birony"

  2. oh my gawd... who cares about the points... I would have better plans for that big bender of a beauty! ;) he he hehehehehe

  3. wow that is BIG! I would say maybe or 4 points.

  4. Holy FUCK that is huge!

    who cares about the points... I would have better plans for that big bender of a beauty! ;)

    That Amanda, she's a cheeky one, isn't she? :-P

  5. I'd say 2 for a regular banana..
    but that humungo one...

    I'd say 6 just to be safe!!

  6. LOL @ amanda who evidently has as dirty a mind as i do LMAO.

  7. Anonymous9:16 AM

    OHHHH What a banana.. shame to mash it up and make a cake Chris.. have you thought about covering it with maple syrup on it...... and putting it between a couple of pancakes!!

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Still thinking about that whopper... you could say "Any more than a handful is a waste"

    Just don't let it go soft Chris.

  9. Holy Crap what a banana!

    Damn shame to eat it - damn shame!!! lol!

  10. I'm with Amanda...stick it in the freezer so you have something cool to slip into later on!!!! mwahahahah

  11. Blimey! Let us know what you come up with!

  12. Everything I wanted to say has been said but what a fabulous 50th birthday present you bought yourself!!!!!! hehehehe I would I cant believe that there are so many of us out there whose thoughts go straight to the gutter.



  13. Phew!! And yep there are some grubby minds out there!

    Hey - hope you got my card???

  14. Anonymous11:35 AM

    That thing is huge! It'll fill you up, if ya know what I mean.

  15. No comment. ;) Does it come with Duracell?

  16. You see the tiny bananas some stores sell around here. They look like baby bananas and my kids love them.

  17. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Oh Chris, sorry you're feeling flat... I been laughing all day about the banana! I'd warm it up slightly, put some whipped cream on top, a few chocolate sprinkles and you and Stew could start at each end until you meet in the middle.. keep you happy for awhile..cheer up girl. You certainly entertain all of us! Take care KJ

  18. I'm loving the banana comments!! Thanks for the comment you left me :) You just need to find your groove now that you are all settled in your new home. You have had so much on lately that you are bound to feel flat now everything is back to normal.

    I'm going to try to lose around 2 kilos over the next four weeks so that I look a little better in the dress I have bought for the wedding we are going to. Care to join me in a little weight loss?

  19. ROFL now i now u not been listen to me cause if i told you once i told you a thousand times that a banana tht fits inside your thumb and finger is 1 point. but that monster of a thing go figger, only you could go find something that big and i dont think that there are any duracells big enough for it so i hope it got a plug lol lol now where you get that from cause im by meself and it looking pretty fine lol lol

  20. *pissingmyselflaughing* I was thinking it as I was reading it .... All you dirty minded people out there........ LOVE IT!!!!! *giggle*
    So was it good??? I meant eating it too by the way!!! *cough*

  21. OMG im sure stew will enjoy using that item HE HE

    Daughter #3

  22. Never seen a nanner looking that big hun, I think thats a plaintain...

  23. Finally someone that understands! It hasn't been very easy all these years explaining my third leg. ;)

  24. I had a plantain and they fried it in butter with some cinnamon and some sugar at the end to make it have some sauce. Served with ice cream it was a treat. Without cooking it tastes like a green bananna. Cooking converts the starch to sugar. We are going into fall here in the Heartland, USA and it is getting cooler by the day. MUD OH, Happy belated Birthday.

  25. Wow - fun picture of the bananas! Personally I don't like plantains but they are really popular in parts of the world. Let us know what you think.

  26. Ahhh sorry to hear you are feeling a bit blue. Hope tomorrow shines a bit brighter for you. Take care.

  27. Thanks for the birthday shout out honey! Have you eaten the plantain yet? I've never had one that big, but i've heard of them! hehe

  28. LOL that's a lot of funny comments for sure!

  29. You make me smile............THAT BANANA IS H U G E!!!!!!! Just remember every BLT will get you.....every bite lick and taste....


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