Monday, October 13, 2008


WELL... I tell a lie actually.... I used to always cut my older boy's hair so I have had plenty of practice! Griffin's haircut came out pretty good though, I had never done his hair before! Dunno why.... just always took him to the barber. I think I will be doing the guys haircuts from now on though.

- kids to school (I'm doing the happy dance)
- wash windows (cos they are DIRTY)
- fluff around the house doing friggin housework
- LIE IN THE SUN on me lounger! ...Cos I can.

NIC: I got the seat cushions (squabs) from The BBQ factory, and the sun lounger squab I had to order from Mitre 10 MEGA (where I got the sun lounger from), as they didn't have them unless you specifically ordered them.
The BBQ Factory squabs were a very reasonable price too!

Right, lets start the day.....

ANYONE would think we were going to have a PARTY eh?? LOL

I did some shopping this morning for this coming weekend's party, and I ordered me Birthday Cake too! Should be pretty, going to be like Brylee's only BLUE of course!

- I havn't managed to get much else done today, washing's out so that's made me feel very virtuous! There is a cool wind so ain't lying in the sun.
Might go have a nana nap, woke at 4 am this morning and didn't really get back to sleep after that. DRAT.

Feeling a bit 'flat' actually.... still got lots to do but NO ENERGY.... I'm too bloody fat me thinks!

No Nap.... started painting a piece of trellis (BLUE of course) to put on the fence and then we will EVENTUALLY get a copper snapper to put on it. Just how hard is it to bloody paint trellis??? Friggin HARD.... I have been at it for over an hour and it's still not done.

Just picked up the kids... am furious with Griffin... he's only gone and drawn (with INK) all over his brand new uniform! I might just whack his arse! Might not help, but it will make ME feel better! (oh and I could get sent to jail for smacking my kid on the bum)... WONDERFUL.

End of Day: didn't smack his bum.... lucky little shit. Finished putting the blue on the trellis, might just add some white now.

NSV: still not doing good on the diet front.. really struggling to stop eating crap. Thought I would be on top of my demons by now, but I'm not. shit shit shit. nite nite.


  1. Got to love the kids are back at school, am so looking forward to today :-)

  2. wow, you give a really good haircut, lass!

  3. Great job on the hair cut!

  4. Hair cut is pretty damn good.

    Kids, you could strangle them sometimes (Griffins uniform)

  5. gosh you have your hands full with that boys sometimes. I would make him wash it. No need to tell him it won't come out, but give him an hour of scrubbing it in hot soapy water, instead of watching tv or playing outside. he he he, he might have a second think before he does it again.

  6. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Hi so where do I find you on facebook?

  7. Trellis is hard isnt it, good you got it finished.
    And love the hair cut!! :)

  8. Got to love kids - great job with the hair cut...

    Not long till your party...

  9. That's exactly why they're demons - they keep bloody haunting us! Looks like you're all stocked up for the party - counting down the days yet?


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