Friday, October 10, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lori... hope you have a lovely day. This photo was taken a year ago ... she's holding one of her grandsons. My sister is a year older than me, so 51 today....
WHICH reminds me... tis my 50TH BIRTHDAY soon! CARDS! CARDS! CARDS! You still have time......

I am getting excited! I cannot remember ever having had a BIRTHDAY PARTY before, maybe I had one as a wee kid? Dunno! So, if you live near and want to come... PLEASE DO! Just send me an email ( for my address! Party starts in the afternoon and will go through till dinner. BYO grog. Girls... a plate ta!

Just the usual shit... washing, vacuming, dusting, looking after the kids.... oh JOY.

Stew has been down in Wellington these past two days so I've been on me own.... kinda used to that eh? LOL
At least now he's only away once in a while, not all the time. I LOVE having my hubby home with me. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
(yikes ... soppy shit going on here!)...
Groovy Granny (Me MUM in Australia) sent Brylee some 'Beados' for her Birthday, they arrived yesterday... YAAAA... that should keep her occupied for AGES.... now what to do with Griffin!

ABOVE: Brylee totally engrossed with her Beados.

TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ASKED ME .... I do not know if I have gotten the card you sent me yet! They have all gone to an Anon Address and my girlfriend in Palmerston North is forwarding them on to me soon! So hang in there cos I am sure to get them soon! I ain't opening any till the day of my party either, so I can get lots on the day! Will be so much fun! I can't wait!

It is fine here today, but with a cold wind. I'm freezing, and GRUMPY. I hate being cold. And no one loves me today! Pfffffft.

Well my afternoon has been nice! I invited one of my immediate neighbours over for a coffee, so she came over and we had a lovely yak. I miss me yaks with girlfriends.

Then I rang Anne in Palmy for a yak too.... now I'm feeling sooooo 'homesick' for me friends there! I just want to jump in the car and go down there for coffee with me girlfriends. *sob* It is so far to go for a coffee though!

I turned me fire on too... I'm such a sook..... Oh and I ran out of me PIDDLE PILLS so my legs have blown up and look disgusting...

SEE ? YUK, I HATE MY LEGS. I can poke them and

leave huge indentations. ... not pretty, not pretty at all.

End of Day: I feel ugly today.
NSV: The heater is nice and warm! nite nite.


  1. Have you gotten my card yet Chris? I mailed it October 1... let me know when you get it!

  2. Chris I probably wont make it as it is a Sunday - but will send you a card:-). Will have to make a special visit up to meet you another time.

  3. I love ya! To prove it can you email me your address!!

  4. I'm a bad girl....I haven't mailed the card yet.....but I will. It was a bad day today.
    Like looking at all the pics of your place and when you go out and about in your new city.
    Ya don't know that Erasure song? It is a good one....way back fromt he 80's isn't it?

  5. Happy 50th birthday! Have fun at your party!

  6. Of course we love you...... Hope your having a great day...

  7. Anonymous3:45 PM

    9 more sleeps!!!

  8. We just have to star a new coffee group. :)you know you can always give me a txt and we can grab a catch ya :)

    if ya feeling lonely tomorrow give me a call, I have nothing much planned all weekend.

  9. yup I am off for a coffee group. Sat mornings are great for me. :)
    have a good weekend sweet cheeks :)

  10. Well, it's flamin' obvious to me that leg is attached to a hornbag!!

  11. It's in the mail!!!!!!! Zxx

  12. The legs certainly don't look too great! You need to get those pills! I am on diuretics also but when I go off my legs don't swell. I will say that it is sort of a pain to be on them - always having to go to the bathroom~!

  13. OH MY WORD your legs look awful! I sure hope they can help you with that fluid retention. It looks frightening. I think probably overall, once you get evened out, you'll find you've really lost quite a bit of weight.

    Goodness that must feel terrible.

  14. HA! Piddle pills. I love it!! That baby is sooooooo beautiful!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday to your sister! That baby is all "hey look at ME!". OMG your legs are sooo swollen!! You definitly need more piddle pills pronto!


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