Friday, June 06, 2008


I am a bit sad today... it is our Wedding Anniversary and we are hundreds of miles apart.... and I love Stew so very much. I can't believe we have been married so long! We have been through a lot in that time, and come out stronger and more 'in-sync' than ever. TIS SWEET.

Our Story: I was 7 months out of a bad marriage, on my own with 4 little kids....the FIRST night I went out with a girlfriend I met Stew... it was instant LOVE on my part, maybe LUST on his.... my first words to him were " Don't get interested, I'm a solo mother with 4 kids!" ... he got interested anyway.

Within 2 weeks he had moved in.... the kids started calling him Dad almost immediately too! We got engaged a few months later, moved towns, bought our first home together, had our first baby together, got married, had our second baby together (so I had 6 kids in 10 years). He adopted my first 4 kids, and we have lived happily ever after! (I have not seen my first husband since the day I left him, nor have the kids - his choice). My Dad always said Stew's either a Hero or a fool... I prefer to think he's my HERO.

So, when you read this Darling "I love you"....

-kids to school (as per usual)
- fold the bloody washing , I STILL have not done it!

No other plans yet... will just wait and let the day unfold... the mad dog slept all night, hardly heard him at all! Me thinks he's getting used to his new home, what a relief.

What can I say... I've been busy today! Been into town to do a bit of essential shopping, home, lunch, back into town to pick up Mike and Abbey cos his car broke down... and when I got home again these were on the doorstep:

WELL... all I could think was "There is NO WAY those came from Stew! ".... how did I know this? cos Stew knows I HATE orange flowers... so they could not be from him!
Well I opened the card and bugger me if they were from Stew! So I rang him and told him the flowers were orange ... he was NOT impressed cos he had stipulated that the flowers were NOT TO BE BLOODY ORANGE.... so the upshot is I am getting new BLUE flowers delivered tomorrow! NICE. The orange flowers are being put in the upstairs rumpus room...

End of Day: a nice day... even without my lovely man around.
NSV: Not so good today, strayed a little bit on the portion sizing.... slip ups happen me thinks... nite nite.



    My OH and myself have recently celebrated our 26th anniversary in April and you are so right about going through a lot for a few years but WOW! We too are MUCH STRONGER AND SOOO MUCH MORE IN SYNC!! I can now finish his sentences off and I know what he is going to say just as he opens his mouth to say it and lots of other (twin like) things happen between us now....strange but TRUE! It is nice to be so much in sync!

    Enjoy your day.

    Hugs xx

  2. Happy Anniversary, funny it would be my anniversary also of 21 yrs also married on june 6 1987, if we were still together. To another 21 years!

  3. Happy Wedding Anniversary to you both :-)

  4. awwwww...congrats!

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Happy Anniversary!

  6. Congratulations to the pair of you!!

  7. Happy Anniversary Chris and Stew.....
    I didnt even make 10 yrs... ;o)
    Dont know if I can get married again to try for a 21 yr anniversary....
    Might surprise Mark oneday and seriously ask him.... ;o)

  8. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Happy Anniversary Stew and Chris, may you have many many more!!!

  9. Happy Anniversary and here is to 21 more happy years :-)

  10. Way to go! thats a long time! We are at 19

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Happy anniversary Chris and Stew! 21 years is amazing!!

  12. Wow, what a love story! Happy anniversary to you both :)

  13. Happy Anniversary!! It is mine today too .... 10 years!!!!
    Hope you have a great day!!

  14. Congratulations! Glad you finally found your Hero!

  15. Congratulations! Your hubby must be a very incredible hero. The fact that he conquered your heart must rank up there as a rival to any of the greatest feats of Hercules.

  16. I meant that as a compliment to both of you, by the way...

  17. Here's hoping next year you'll be together for your anniversary! Have a happy one anyhoo.

  18. Awwwww Happy Anniversary you two!! I'm sure you'll celebrate as soon as you can. Big hugs!!

  19. Congratulations to you both. What a great achievement to be together so long.

    Good score on the flowers. Now you get double to enjoy. Just picture the orange ones as being pink.

    Glad to hear Teddy is starting to settle down at night.

  20. Happy Anniversary! Sorry you couldn't be with Stew, but he sounds like a hero to me.

  21. congratulations chris and stew, what a marvelous thing love is, it seems to carry you through the hardest of times.

    21 years is amazing! well done to both of you and may there be many more anniversary's to celebrate in the years ahead xxx

  22. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!!! Wow, that is great!!

    I had Nick on this day 14years ago!!

    Can't wait to see the Blue flowers:)

  23. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and I hope the blue flowers are even better than the orange ones. I bet they only heard the word orange and not the words can't be orange.

    And I thought moving in with my man after knowing each other for just under 2 months was fast. You certainly bet us on that one. I can only hope we stay as happy and have as good a relation as you and Stew have.

  24. Happy Wedding Anniversary to you!
    (You don't look old enough to have been married for that long!)

  25. What a lovely story. Happy Anniversary to the both of you. May you have many more. How sweet he sent you flowers, can't wait to see the next bunch. Hope you manage to get some celebrating done over the weekend. All the best.

  26. Congratulations Chris! That was beautiful! And I agree with you, definitely HERO. :)

  27. Happy Anniversary to you both and here's to men who "get interested anyways" ! Sounds like a hero to me!!

  28. Happy Belated Anniversary my friend. xo.

  29. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Happy anniversary.. May god bless both of you.. I like that flowers bouquet.

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