Friday, June 27, 2008


Dinner last night was lovely... I wore one of my new outfits from Aussy... I loved it, hated me boobs. I am bloody sure I have gained 10 kilos on me boobs.... friggin things! I hope they are the first things to go once I start losing weight again! We went to the LoneStar Restaurant, they give the most amazingly huge meals!
Me and Stew
Mike and Abbey
Steve and Michal (new girlfriend)
Brylee... looking angelic.
Griffin.. the Restaurant Manager gave him the ball... !
My dinner.. Pork ... I only ate the meat, it was delicious!
VERY, VERY NERVOUS this morning, but I am sure all will go well.
Off to have blood tests shortly while Stew takes the kids to school, then we are expecting Steve to come over to care for the kids after school while Stew's with me at the hospital. The operation should be done late this afternoon I think....
I also plan on looking at Plasma TV's this morning ... my niece in Australia had one and it was so bright/colourful and clear! I want one! Doing that should kill the morning, I have to check into the hospital at 11am.
So with that.... I shall say "Bye for now".....
Blood test done, waiting to hear from Steve, then off to town. I (Stew) will update you all later in the day as to how things went with my darling wife's operation. Bye for now.
Well its 1.40am saturday morning and I am just home from the hospital. Maybe that's why you people like reading my wifes blog as there is always some drama going on and today was no different. We checked in at 11 am and the day dragged on with bits of prep here and there during the day. At 6 pm they were finally ready to take into theatre, so I went home for an hour to feed the kids etc and was back at hospital at 7 pm. At 8pm I was told she was just out and in recovery. At 9pm I was told that she was having a bit of trouble with the pain so they were trying to get that under control. At 10.30 the surgeon and a nurse arrived [I was really worried by now] to tell me that Chris had developed some bleeding problems and she was being transferred by ambulance to the public hospital where a team was waiting to try and sort out the bleeding. At 11pm she went into surgery again and it took 2 hours to get things sorted. They had to make a cut down the middle of her tummy to get in fix the bleeds. She lost over 50% of her blood and they had to put 6 bags of blood into her. The surgeon gave me the run down and suggested i come home for some sleep as she will be out of it for a while and will be in ICU until about lunchtime Saturday.
So I will be going back to see her first thing in the morning and will update the blog when I can during the day.
Thank you all for you kind wishes which I will pass on to Chris and I am sure she will read once she can get back on to the computer.
Off to bed now as I am shattered, been a stressful day. It's hard work fighting back all those emotions.


  1. Good luck with your surgery! Hopefully you will feel much better after it is over. I know my mom did after she had hers. My daughter would be drooling over your Mike lol.

  2. you have a beautiful family... good luck tomorrow..

  3. Nothing wrong with you 'girls' :-)

    Best of luck for today, will be thinking of you later this evening. (You're about 1 day + 5 hours ahead of us)

  4. Hugs!! Ask for "narcotics!" I'm sure you'll do well and your family will be ok while you recouperate.

  5. Best of luck with the surgery (and man, we were at Lonestar on Wednesday, my Dad and brother ordered the pork too - and believe me, they cleaned their plates and lived to regret it!)

  6. Wishing you a safe surgery and a lovely rest being waited on :) Hope to catch up with you soon. Bye bye to Chris's 'girley parts' LOL
    Jenny :)

  7. All the best for today. At the end of the day there'll be no more monthlies, tummy cramps etc.

    Just make sure you get plenty of rest and heal properly.

  8. Good luck at the hospital. Your blog is cool. I linked to it through joeprah. My address is . Check it out and let me know what you think when you have the time.

  9. Lovely pictures, and goodness that pork looked appetizing indeed.
    I would look at LCD before plasma. Just my opinion, but you should look at both.
    Best wishes on surgery!

  10. Good luck Chris - thinking of you today.

    Hi Stew - will phone you in the weekend and see when Chris is up to visitors.

  11. Good Luck Chris!! I hope all goes well, and will thinking of you today.


  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Good luck with the surgery, Chris. I'll be thinking of you :)

  13. Good luck with your surgery,I'll be thinking of you.

  14. Good luck Chris!! Also on the TVs.. LCD High definition is much better than Plasma. Plasma is not the way of the future (ask my Stu that's his field of expertise).

  15. good morning, just dropped in to say " I'm thinking of you and hope everything goes smoothly with the surgery and you have super quick recovery".
    Take care chick

  16. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I would wish you good luck but you won't need it :-) Thinking of you all xo

  17. Awwwww, you look so lovely.

    good luck on teh surgery!

  18. I just wanted to add my best wishes for good luck and speedy recovery after your surgery! xxx PS: you look gorgeous in the Lone Star pics!

  19. I'll be thinking of you! Hope everything goes well.

  20. Just great, your son gets a ball. I get the bill. Good luck on your surgery!

  21. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Love you mum!!!

  22. First time I have been able to get online.... have been stocktaking since early this morning... I soooo hope you are doing ok Chris.. plz let me know how you are... either here or sms me!

  23. Anonymous9:42 PM

    oh my gosh! how was that pork!!!!

    big hugs! and can't wait to hear from u (stu)

  24. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Thinking of you!

  25. Sorry to hear things went off the tracks. Hope Chris is feeling better today. Wishing her well, all the best for a speedy recovery. Big hug from Canada.

  26. My prayers are with you Chris and Stu and the whole family. Thank you for your update Stu, You must have had a very emotional day and then to find time to type a message, bless you. Chris, hang in there.. when you read this you will be home and starting to heal. Take things easy lady!! I know thats hard for you but DO IT!!! Take care and will be thinking of you all and waiting to hear.. hugs from the US Heather

  27. Thanks for the update send her a hug from me. Take care all of you....

  28. Chris, Stew and family I am praying for you all!!! Thank you Stew for updating us all so we can pray for you guys and the staff as well.

    Prayers and hugs to all. May God bless and keep you tonight.

  29. OH MY I hope all is well now... I am sort of cinfused but since I think they do things a bit differently here in america... were they doing a vaginal hysterectomy? in a clinic type setting? When I had my hysterectomy it was in the hospital and I was cut abdominally... Will keep you guys in our thoughs and prayers.
    Hugs Laura

  30. Oh you poor things, soooo sorry to hear that things went so bad. Thats a lot of blood to lose. I hope Chris is feeling better soon.

    Big hugs

  31. OMG !!! Poor Chris. Thanks for the update, Stew. Hope you are also doing better. What a stressful time for you...

  32. Thanks for the update - send Chris all our positive thoughts!

  33. :( Oh are so sweet to update us. I'm behind on reading, but I think that's too cool you did that. Thinking of you and Chris. Hang in there guys. And I love those have such a beautiful family!!! I love that little sassy Scorpio you're married, too. ;)

    fellow sassy Scorp

  34. Thanks for the updates Stew. Chris, you look beautiful in the picture.


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