Sunday, April 13, 2008


If you are reading this, you are up TOO BLOODY EARLY! I'm having a sleep in... piss off and come back later!

It also means I got up darn early this morning.. posted this and went back to bed! So there!

My only plans for the day are to sleep in, do bugger all and enjoy some time with Stew and the kids... NO OPEN HOMES TODAY.

Later.....10 am !!! I finally got outta bed! It's a gorgeous day, we have nothing to do but enjoy the day... I am not a crabby bitch today! I'm a happy tart ! YIPEE.... UMMM Stew's a happy boy too.

We are probably going to take a drive out of town .. ya know, the SUNDAY DRIVE ... ha ha ha.
Palmerston North on a beautiful sunday....
There was a truck show a'happening....
Trucks, hotrods and motorbikes.....
Best of all! A big truck with HIS NIBS name on it. COOL. After wandering around this lot we came home and had fish 'n' chips for lunch.. and now... we are back off into town cos GRIFFIN loves going to town.
End of Day: lots happening unfortunately... involving a sick son and hospital. Tomorrow with more.
nite nite.


  1. I just heard on the news that there was an earth quake in NZ!!! Measured 5 on the richter scale!!! Oh wait... there was no earth quake... Stew DID get lucky! *wink wink* :) hehehe.

  2. YAY no open houses!! Jammie day.

  3. LOL you bet me up this morning, I made it to 5.15am, I have had my porridge and yogurt and about to go for my walk in about 1/2 hour when breakfast has settled.

  4. Enjoy your day Chris... nice to have a day off from the open homes hey...

  5. Enjoy your day :)

  6. Have a FABULOUS SUNDAY!!! I'm surprised you even know what a sleep in is ... lol

  7. Hope all is okay with your son, thoughts are with you. Take care.

  8. Ohhh - that's not good. Hope all is ok??

  9. I hope all is ok hun.

  10. Hope everything is ok? Sick Son and Hospital dont sound good

  11. Thinking of you. Hope all comes right fast :)

  12. Hope everything is OK - thinking of you. Love Z xx

  13. Ohhhhhhh Love the bikes.... I am a day late seeing these pics... Fingers crossed that your son has a speedy recovery...

  14. There is little better that enjoying the day with the ones you love. And the truck show was just the icing on the cake.

    Hope everything is well with your son - I guess I will find out soon!


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