Friday, April 11, 2008


You know, some days it's really hard to feel happy .... yesterday my skates did not arrive, and the Real Estate Agent did not get back to me with feedback from the viewers on Wednesday night. That sucks.

- kids to school
- Start nutting out the quilt .. that should be fun! I have several ideas running around in my head. I just hope my sewing machine is up to the job... it's a fairly basic machine.
- Dats all!

I don't think I shall bother ringing the Estate Agent, no news usually means just that... nothing is happening. And if my skates don't arrive today I shall ring the Postal Service to find out if they can track them down.

Stew flies home tonight as well, quite late, so that will be nice. I just hope I'm not too crabby and ruin his weekend! I can't help myself sometimes and take my frustrations out on him. Oh well.... that's life I suppose.

THICKCHICK: why skates? saw some girls skating along the waterfront in Wellington couple of years ago and thought, YES a great way to get exercise and have fun! Simply havn't been able to buy any here in New Zealand, hence the order from Canada.

TERESA: They are coming via Xpress International, I was told it would take between 4 and 6 days.... still waiting....

Today I spent ages finding some more materials, then checking out new sewing machines! Mine is too basic for the jobs I want to do.... Stew is going to have a fit!

Griffin's quilt is going to have a 'space' theme... I even had to buy green and yellow materials (hate those colours) but there won't be much in the quilt. Mostly blues and whites, touch of red/green/yellow.

How the hell do you decide what machine to buy???? Price? No' of stitches it does? HOW!!! I have no idea, why is there so many to choose from ? Any ideas from other 'sewer's out there?

Just picked up kids from school... one more week till holidays. OH YEAH.... *SIGH*

End of Day: went out to the airport at 9pm with the kids to get Stew, and.... his flight developed a problem in the air and had to return to Hamilton airport.. so we came home without him. He will now have to get a taxi home when he finally gets in.

NSV: not that good on track today, but not that bad either. nite nite.


  1. So sorry I had to dash away the other day. I made the post in time ... just!

    Finally getting a chance today to catch up on all the blogs I haven't read all week!

    Hope your day goes well!!

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I love that you've ordered skates. I haven't skated in AGES either! What prompted the idea?

  3. So hope your skate arrive soon. Waiting on things can drive one crazy. If you are expecting them via the postal service it could take awhile from Canada. Hopefully they didn't send them basic service cause that way it will take months to get to you. I'm sure your mood will improve once Stew gets home. Do enjoy the weekend together.

    And, yes you would think I'd have lost a ton of weight by now. Thats why I went to the Dietitian in the first place.

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    how did the mash go poppet? i hope it turned out ok! :D:D:D:D xx

  5. Courtesy really if the agent gave you a call.

    Go carefully with the skates!

  6. I boguht my skates from Rebel Sport here in Australia as the very first piece of sporting equipment when I started losing weight. I went around the block once. Nearly died. It involved tears and frustration and my skates have happily lived in t he bottom of my wardrobe since.

  7. Hope you have a great weekend. Hope too that those skates arrive soon. Look forward to seeing you skating to town LOL :)

  8. I can't wait to see photos of you on those skates (if they ever arrive).

    Can't help with the sewing machines, I am not talented in that area at all.

    Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that you'll get some interested people looking through your house soon.

  9. Hope you have a lovely weekend and really hope you sell that house soon! Am taking a break from blogging, but im sure i will come and see how you are doing!
    Take care xx

  10. does your old sewin machine have blanket stitch? I would say this is the only stitch other than straight stitch that you will need wait till you've made your first quilt or maybe even seconed before spending any money they are expensive lil dust catchers lol, hope the skates come soon
    btw im a stalker luv your blog

  11. Hi Chris - I really want to get there tomorrow but lots on this weekend, so may be a flying visit.

  12. Hey Lady... You certainly do not need a flash machine to quilt... I have a girlfriend that makes the most gorgeous quilts and she has a dinosaur of a machine...
    But if ya just want to spend $$ go for it...
    I have a g8 Brother machine that i paid under $1000 for and I love it... Just havent got the time to use it much... WIll be getting it out to make my curtains with in the next couple of weeks with a bit of luck...

  13. Quilting is something I have always wanted to try but never got around to doing.

    have a great weekend

  14. I took a sewing class in Jr high school and that's the last time I was around a sewing machine. My wife doesn't sew either. We do have a couple of pillows that need some work. Any chance I could fly them out to you? ;)

  15. I love to skate! Love it. It's just so much fun. Especially with some loud thumping music!

    Sorry the day was such a crapper! Hopefully, Stew made it home safely!

  16. Keeping my fingers crossed that you have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your time with Stew. Can't wait to see the quilt. Good luck with choosing a sewing machine.

  17. Good question on the sewing machine. My wife and I want to get one eventually,, but neither one of us knows how to sew.

  18. I can remember as a child going to my granmothers house and playing with her sewing machine.

    I thought it was the coolest thing just because it was a non-electric pedal powered type thing. I could have cared less about the sewing part - I just wanted to press that pedal to see how fast it would go.


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