Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I tried to download lots more photos this morning, but blogger is having a hissy fit and wouldn't let me! So you only get one:

Steve and Rena
Gunna go to town with the kids/baby/Kelly/Leigh... dunno why, just am.
Must get pram outta attic and pump up the tyres! Plan on having a neat day.....Wooo Hooo ... pram is all ready to go! Took a bit of fiddling around to remember how it went together! And how to fold the bloody thing up! But we did it and now we can go to town! YIPEE. And we are going cos we need to get something for Steve's birthday tomorrow, he's gunna be 21!

Hair straightened, makeup on... 3 girls ready to go to town.... yikes don't forget the baby! (oh and the boys I suppose)...
I have been shopping, I didn't think much of it actually... all I wanted to do was go home and have me bottle... thank goodness for me Grandma.. she fed me! Don't I look contented now? Time for a nap...
5.30pm and I am finally off to my sewing lesson! 2 hours of "how to use your machine".... nice. Leaving Steve and Kelly to look after baby and the kids... later...
End of Day: been a neat day! Learnt lots at sewing class, my machine is amazing what it can do... with someone who knows how to use it! That will be me soon.
NSV: I have finally come to realise that chinese sweet n sour pork just makes me feel ill... and this is GOOD. nite nite.


  1. I really do hope you have a fantastic day... dont you spoil Rena too much now ya hear grandma..... ;o)

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Hi Chris

    Rena is beautiful! Makes me broody but no more babies for me as I have four already ages 13,12,8 and 7. I'm going to bed now. It's 11:15pm here in Cape Town, South Africa. Hope that you have a great day.

    Take care
    Dom x

  3. Love the photo of Steve with Rena, she looks so cuddly!!!!

  4. You looks look lovely, omg doesn't Kelly look like a mini you. Have a great time in town.

  5. What a trio of babes!! Have a great day out and good to hear you with some spark in your voice again. As for Rena, spoil her rotten.

  6. Luv the photo. Hope you didn't leave Rena in town!!!! :)

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Oh My Lord, that baby is PRECIOUS! I could just eat her with a spoon! You have a very lovely family.

  8. OMG you sound sorta .......happy, Hope you are and that you have a wonderful day, just what you need,

    Cheers xx

  9. Cute pics of the baby, but it looks like Steve is thinking, "Don't we have enough kids around here?"

  10. All you girlz look so FAB and I love the way your black eye-liner brings out your eyes!

  11. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Ooh! Don't make me clucky with those baby pics!

  12. What a lovely pic of you 3 girls....but really love the one of bub all fed, content and asleep, awwwwwwwwwww !!!

  13. The baby is super cute! Enjoy their visit!

  14. Sounds like you had a great day with the kids. Looks like you are getting the hang of that sewing machine. Take care.

  15. OMG....that is one gorgeous baby!!!!!


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