Sunday, March 30, 2008


No hangover!!! Slept like a log! Big smile on me dial! That is all I will say about that.....

Must find me kids, I think they are upstairs playing on the Playstation... suppose I will have to feed them... make all the beds, vacum and all that palarva.... Open Home again today...

Not much else to say right now, better get going....

With all of our Open Homes except the first one 5 and a half months ago, it's been lovely and fine.... today... it's raining! Maybe it will make a difference? Who knows. I have also put a basket full of toys in a corner of the lounge for kids to play with... they are not all over the floor, just in the corner in a basket. We are ready...

Today we had 3 groups through the house, no feedback yet.... so don't know if any of them were keen or not. The advertising for this weekend cost about $1,700 .... *shaking me head*.
Guess what I have been doing today ???.....
Did you guess COUNTING POINTS ? Well, I did, and I think I will do it again tomorrow ! Shock ... horror.... I stood on the scales and nearly cried.... Nothing is happening, I have been the same for months... and months... and I must do something about it!
End of Day: no idea how the open home people felt about our home, no feedback yet from our Agent.
NSV: I counted POINTS, I feel great and in control ... hope it bloody lasts. nite nite.


  1. Bleh, open house again! When you get to your next place bet you will be so used to keeping things perfect that they'll stay that way, right?


  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Have a great day Chris - I hope you manage to keep that smile on your face all day!!!!!

  3. Toys in the corner-good idea!
    Yes-maybe the rain will be good...crossing fingers!

  4. You must be so tired of keeping the house perfect.


  5. Glad to hear you had a 'good' night - you tart!!! One of these days...... it will all come together for you. Take care Love Zxx What a pity you missed Lee-anne and Col's wedding - hope Lyn updates soon so we know all about it.

  6. Glad your feeling great! Must be cos you woke up with a smile!!

  7. Good for you counting points, thats what Im starting again...just don't know what day to start!!!!!LOL

  8. ohhhh point counting, thats great....

    Keep smiling darl...

  9. Yikes! I don't know how you do it!

  10. its hard work selling a house, but you know that already!

    hey first time visitor and just wanted to say hi!

    stop by and say hi sometime.

  11. I recently had a mini-physical through work and was amazed at just how much weight I had gained over the winter.

    Yeah, I am well on my way to try a find a formula to get the weight off.


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