Friday, March 07, 2008


Feeling good this morning! Had a really good yak with Stew last night, we are working on Easter Plans.... hopefully the two littlies and I will be flying up to Auckland for Easter with Stew.

It will give me something to look forward to... we can check out our new suburb-to-be... and show the kids their new school.... walk around the area, check out the parks and Botanical Gardens, visit Stew's Dad and Sister... and my aunt and uncle who also live in the suburb we will be moving to. OOOOO I am so looking forward to it.... SO IT BETTER HAPPEN!

As for today, I'm going to go to town and do some window shopping, maybe meet up with a friend for lunch, and smile some more! I like to smile, really I do! lol. I just have to work on it more. later....

Town... was nice, I did not spend much ! Just got a black winter jacket....
Visited with some of Stew's work colleagues, saw the Real Estate lady who does most of our Open Homes (NOT the one we sacked).... she's still working on the Wellington jerk! Poor woman is just as stressed out as me.
Had a nice lunch on my own.... and came home!
Very quiet afternoon... have done NO housework... not that any is needed ... this house is spic and span.
Going to pick the kids up from school soon, so will just chill out till then.
A Proud moment:
He got an Assembly Award for being "A thoughtful and kind child"... and also for doing so well in maths.... sweet.
End of Day: Easter plans are coming along nicely.... looks like a GO! Yipee.
NSV: still eating far too much... dammit. nite nite.


  1. That sounds like an awesome Easter weekend. Be good to get away. Have a great weekend and stay positive...

  2. Ohhh a plane trip...sounds exciting!!!!

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Your plans for Easter sound great.

    Hope you are having a fun morning in town.

  4. Window shopping with no pressure because you have to have something...Oh my. Those were the days~

    I did a bit of reading trying to catch up. I saw the bottles and figured you could take a bottle of wine and surprise the hubby one night with something sexy or just pack a picnic and go for a "you & me" time.

    Love the pics of the kids room. Bright and cheerful.

    I hope you have had a good day!

  5. Congratulations to Griffin. Well done :) Hope you had a nice lunch........The Verdict???? Have a relaxing weekend :)

  6. Sound like a fun easter for you. Glad you are feeling better about things today. You will get to just may be a little longer than you thought. Hang in there.

  7. What a wonderful way to spend Easter ....sounds very relaxing ..Well done to Griffin on his award .....have a great weekend Chris x

  8. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Well Done Griffin

  9. ohhhhhhhh Easter holiday....yep that would make anyone smile!!!

    Yep, me too....eating too much still .... darn it !!

    Well done Griffin...

  10. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Awwwww.....what a sweet little guy you've got!! That grin on his face is absolutely adorable!!

  11. Have a great weekend. Glad to hear you have special plans for Easter.

  12. I LOVE your new hair color. That is gorgeous. I'm struggling with the weight thing too. You're not alone. Here's a hug! (((Hug)))

  13. Right on!! What a cutie he is. You should be proud!

  14. My son starts school next year, but he won't be getting any awards. He'll be the one who is always getting in trouble.

  15. Here's a link. It's St Joseph.

    I swear I read this in a mainstream newspaper and many realtors swore by it.


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