Monday, March 10, 2008


SOMETIMES Stew drives me nuts.... but since he didn't come home this weekend I am REALLY looking forward to seeing him on Friday! I can't sleep, I am finding the kids constant noise and questions so very irritating... I need a break from them BIG TIME.

And it will be nice to actually see him and spend some time with him... I feel like I am ready to throw a hissy fit... surely selling one's house shouldn't be this stressful!

Today: well it's kids to school (thank God), then I am off into town to buy some Rescue Remedy Sleep Aide... our new Agent told me about it last night... it's worth a try! I would KILL for a full night's sleep right now. Not much else planned... will wait and see what the day brings.
Had a decadent morning...
had a sauna
had a shower, washed, dried and straightened the hair
ironed a dress! and went to town.

Dropped of a load of stuff at the Op Shop, library books back... and then went to the chemist for the Rescue Remedy Sleep Aide... is was quite expensive but hopefully it works. I also decided to buy a new lipstick... they say as you age you should wear lighter lippy, so I got... 4 ! OK OK, they were on SALE, buy one get one free!!! So, I got two for daytime and two slightly darker (but still light pink) for evening... gawd I love shopping.
Ummm... NO YOU LITTLE BASTARD, you are NOT having my pie!
I knew we had a mouse or two again.... I have been watching one little bugger come out from behind the lounge heater in the evenings when it's been nice and quiet... this morning I saw 'evidence' of one in the kitchen... so set a trap under the sink and WAAAA LAAA... success! LOVE IT. OH Sorry! Were you eating your dinner???? ha ha ha
End of Day: another average day, still no house buyers.
NSV: Been fairly good today! nite nite.


  1. Rescue remedy is great, didn't realise that you could get a sleep one might have to get some, since I am a bad sleeper, last week by friday felt like I could have been asleep by 5.30pm!
    Can't wait to find out if it works!
    Have a great day :)

  2. The rescue rememdy would be helpful for me right now!

    Thanks for the cray pot, lookes great in the garden at the beach:-)

    No Wellington buyer or family with four boys at the weekend?

  3. Rescue Remedy is great , I have it for anxiety, love it!

    Yep, it is stressful selling your house, but hopefully very soon you can look back and this will all be over.

    Enjoy the day!! I love it when the kids are at school!!!!!

  4. SO absence does make the heart grow fonder????

    Hope you got some TLC and kiddie reprieve~ =

  5. As they say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"

    Also, I'm, salivating over that pie of yours it looks to die for!!!!

  6. That pie sure looked yum:) Off limits for me while Steph is home though LOL
    Hope the rescue remedy works. Was thinking of getting some myself...LOL.....and some new lippies!!! Good for you :)

  7. My god that pie looked bloody nice - best I don't show Chris the pic of the mouse :(. LOL

  8. Rescue remedy for sleep, will look out for that! Cheers! Its finding out these little things that makes blogging so great!!

  9. Thanks for the pie recipe!! Who gives a shit about the points, Im making it on the weekend!!!!!!!

    Night night:)

  10. You should be an outback farmers cook.... your meals are huuuuuuuuge.... Looks awesome!!! Longe weekend here for me... back to work tomorrow.. and I have a ripper of an ear infection.... arghhhh

  11. Fingers crossed you get a good nights sleep tonight! It's tough coping on your own with the kids when you're used to having Stew around at night and weekends no doubt made so much harder with the stress of the house.

    Fingers crossed the new agent will do a greater push for you and it will sell soon - in the meantime count down the days until Easter - you deserve the break!

  12. Hope you managed a good night's rest. You pie looks yummy. Damn mice, let's hope there's no more. Have a wonderful day.


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