Friday, March 21, 2008


Ok, we got here ... and I definitely HATE the landing part of flying! Take offs OK, actually flying along is OK, but the LANDINGS...... HATE EM.

The kids were just so excited when we got to the airport and took out the bags.... Griffin "twigged" straight away that we were actually flying up to Auckland to see cute.

It only took an hour to get here, so the kids didn't have a chance to get bored, and the flight attendant gave them both a huge cup full of lollies! Sure kept them quiet!

Today our plans are simple.... go check out our new suburb, show the kids their new school, look at houses.... I'm really looking forward to it.
Our Daughter Kelly still hasn't had her baby, but we are hoping it will arrive in the next day or two so we can drive down to Hamilton to visit. Fingers crossed on that one.

Right, I'm gunna get outta bed and start the day! Later....
We have had a busy morning, visited Stew's Dad then out to The Gardens... had morning tea with my Aunt and Uncle then looked around the suburb, here's the kids new school:
I hadn't walked around it before, but I'm glad I did cos it's BEAUTIFUL... the kids loved it too. Had lunch and we are now just chillin out for a while back at the apartment. Might go out to see Stew's sister soon... she's moving her shop from Swanson to Kumeu this weekend. She has an Art Gallery/gift shop.
End of Day: busy afternoon too... kids had a swim at Kohimarama beach too! In their shorts... so had to drive home in the car with no pants on either of them! Eating lots of crap food, but NO CHOCOLATE!!!
NSV: sticking to my resolve.. and it is HARD... the kids have been eating chocolate all darn day. nite nite.


  1. I agree landings do suck!

    Hope you have a great time babe! Where in Auckland are you looking?

  2. hope kelly has her baby while you are there. I had both the take off and the landing parts of flying!

  3. Have fun in Aukland! Sounds great and looks pretty too what pics I've seen of it.

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    pleased u arrived I can imagine how excited the kids were..have an awsome time kiddo.

    heres hopeing while the presure is off that will be when the house sells

    have a great weekend

    hugs Felicity

  5. I hate landings too, I always seriously think we are going to crash.

    I think that it was such a gorgeous surprise for the kids to take them to Auckland, they must have been so excited.

    I hope all goes well with Kelly and she has a safe labour very soon.

    Have a good Easter break! Good luck with the not eating chocolate- you are a stronger woman then I am.

  6. Golly! that school looks more like a bloody resort than a school!
    I wanna go back to school if that's what it looks like!
    Have a great weekend dear!

  7. ohhh, I know that school. Two of my good Auckland friends actually teach there AND I hang around that suburb quite a bit as my parents live about a 3 min walk down the hill.

  8. Glad you got there safely!
    Sounds great!! Have the best time!

  9. Love the look of the school.. amazing!!!
    Glad you are enjoying your trip so far...

  10. yah....


    all they are ... are controlled crashes!

    someone told me that once, I thought it was funny...


  11. Good Grief, that is possible the coolest looking school I have ever seen. I am totally jealous.

    My school looked like an abandoned warehouse.


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