Monday, March 24, 2008


After so many awesome sunny days, today is a bit cloudy, may get some showers too. It rained quite a bit during the night.... we want to go to the Easter Show today.... I hope it stays fine!

Today we go home too.... so I want to make the most of the day! I LOVE THIS PLACE! Maybe it's just cos I'm not at home cleaning, vacuming and going nuts? Whatever reason, I am loving this trip away. I needed it.

Righty ho, time to get on with the day......
Above: on the beach, this was FREE !
Below: The Easter Show, this was bloody EXPENSIVE!! And rather a rip off.... everything was overpriced and the rides were about $3 a minute!
Sitting on a Police Motorbike... this was FREE!
Petting Alpaca's.... sweet.
Above: A couple of rides they went on.
After The Easter Show we went and checked out SYLVIA PARK, which is a newish Shopping Mall in Mt Wellington.... I was in awe! Such a neat mall... I think I will be visiting this one a lot!
It's now 3.30pm and we are packing up ready to fly home (BOO HOO)..... I am not looking forward to getting home. later...
End of Day: safely home again... still hate landings but today I managed to keep my eyes open the whole time!
Will be spending the whole evening either piddling or keeping me feet up! The fluid retention hasn't been THIS bad in a very long time, learnt a lesson I did... never leave the friggin piddle pills at home. DERRRRRR.
NSV: I have earnt my skating pads! NO CHOCOLATE has passed these lips! nite nite.


  1. We all need to get away sometimes... Away from the "norm" it recharges the batteries...
    Glad you had a gr8 weekend... take care

  2. Good morning, hope you have a fantastic day, keep smiling.

  3. Congratulations Nanna!! Your daughter is very much like you!! Beautiful baby ... Great size too!
    I like all 3 houses ... I hope yours goes soon!! ... Anyone through over the weekend??
    Take care....

  4. Sylvia Park is my second home!! Love it there. I like all the houses too - oh I do hope yours will sell soon.

  5. Wow, after all of the rain and yuckiness we've had here - I am longing to visit the beach.

    And it still amazes me how these shows are so darn expensive.

  6. Whoohoo good for you and not having the chocolate... and it looked like you had a great time.

  7. Anonymous8:34 PM

    ps no Chocolate well done. Me do no choc and no easter buns yeah


  8. Expensive rides. Great pics though. Glad your back safe.

  9. Looks like a great time away...glad you and the family are enjoying it. Those houses you picked all look great. Hope you can be in one of them soon!

  10. I would rather hang at the beach and not because it's free. I just think it's much funner. Not sure if my kids would agree with me.

  11. *sigh*

    The beach.

    Where is Summer already?????


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