Thursday, January 24, 2008


Nothing, and I mean nothing... is what I am going to be doing today!

The kids and I are going to town.... might have to be on the bus cos I've got a flat battery in me car.... and just have a nice wander around.... get them an ice cream for lunch!

NO dusting, NO vacuming, No washing.... polishing, scrubbing loos, bla bla bla... today is REST DAY. I deserve it.

AND... I am getting the little kids a wee present each cos they have been SO VERY GOOD for their Mummy, they even helped me tidy the house before our viewers yesterday! What little sweeties.

So there ya go.. I'm outta here for now....
Well we did it.... we went to town, we had kebabs for lunch, we bought a present each...
They both chose the same thing... a pirate ship! How cool, no arguments over who got what! BLISS.
I also got a wee 'something' for my big boys as a 'Thank You' for helping me with the littlies.... but they have to wait for it! Ha ha ha.
I am expecting Anne any minute, she's coming over to visit Izzy before she takes her home on Saturday! Feel kinda sad, but it's the best thing for Izzy.
The visit with Anne went well, Izzy seemed to like her... I know Anne and Peter love her already, so it's looking good for a happy transition for her.
End of Day: and I have done NOTHING .. Yes Lyn... NOTHING!!! Except have fun with the kids, and do some shopping.
NSV: On track, no naughties at all.... of the food variety and the other! nite nite.


  1. 1200 thats wonderful. Hope you have a great time spending it. So nice of the kids to help you out. Have a great day out and about. Hope your tummy's feeling better. Fingers crossed and positive thoughts.

  2. I'm sure the kids will love going on the bus, it's a big adventure at their ages. Enjoy your day.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Yeah right!! YOU? do nothing?? LIAR!!! lol

    Hope you prove me wrong mate!!

  4. Hmmm you just reminded me.. My car nearly didnt start yesterday and it sounded like the battery was nearly dead... damn I hope it starts today....

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Aww, that's sweet of the kidos to help you out!

    Sounds like a very pleasant day planned!

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Hope you have a lovely relaxing day - you all deserve it!

  7. I hope you get yourself "a wee present" in town as well! xxx

  8. Sounds like a perfect day to me!!!

    6 days till my kids go back to school!!!! Now Im counting down:)

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hope you have a wonderful quiet day

  10. Hello stranger - sorry haven't been around for a while but getting back into the swing of things now. Sympathise with your feelings about Izzy but there's no doubt she's going to a great home and will just love having company. But there's sometimes when you know you're doing the right thing but it doesn't mean you have to be happy about it. Take care Love Z xx

  11. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Ohh what gorgeous kids they are Chris. You should have called in. Geez its not the same without Stew here. Waiting to see who his replacement is... praying to God.. I say no more!

  12. hello am back home.....know where to come for a loan now hehe how awsome making that much ......Is always hard but like you said Izzy is going to a good home.....fingers are crossed for a sale ..enjoy the rest of your day doing nothing :)

  13. Your boy always has similar toys to mine...prob. same age, ha! We've had a pirate ship for some time and he enjoys it, not sure how it ended up in the sandbox.

    Way to go on the $ you made. Sorry your dog has to go but you're right, sounds like it will be good for izzy and nice people and a place to be able to run.

  14. Pleased I popped down for a visit! Don't worry I won't be abandoning Izzy for a job. If I worked it would only be part time so still home a good part of the time.

  15. Glad you managed to do nothing! You are always so busy!!

  16. Anonymous9:43 PM

    oh - i wanna do nothing too! must be blissful!

  17. YAY!!!! I never thought that I would see the day where you did nothing, should be more of it!

    As sad as it is at least you know Izzy will be well looked after. And how well do you have those kids trained???

  18. Is great you had such a good day doing NOTHING. You deserve it. Glad to hear you so happy. By the way what did you get as a gift?

  19. Sounds like a good plan.

  20. I agree, it's great when the pick the same toy. Otherwise, they'll fight over one of the toys later. Drives me crazy.


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