Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Sitting up in bed.... no latte.... AND I am going to have to get up much earlier than 'normal' and make school lunches too.... *BIG SIGH*.

Oh well, I shall be positive about it... he's only away for the week this time! Feeling like I havn't had any sleep.... soooo tired!

Photos from last night.... will come later in the morning.... no time right now that's for sure!

Today: kids to school, walk Izzy (maybe!)... and then I plan on doing 5/8ths of bugger all !


  1. I like your "silly" pictures Chris so stop bagging yourself!!

    And by the way woman, where the hell have you been?? A wookie is what Chewbacca is off starwars!! Now you can't claim age as a reason not to know that one as Starwars came out in the early 80's

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    love the pics, looks like a great night was had by all. Take it easy today, u deserve it after cooking wot looks like a magnificent feast last night.

  3. Looks like you guys had lots of fun last night.

    There seems to be a bit of a bug going around at the moment. Hope you perk up a bit .

  4. I will be glad to send you a CD....Email me with your address and the next time I go to Target I'll get you one.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    just seen some of ur handy artwork on ur blog and on zannas. U are very talented, keep it up :)

  6. Oh I am so jealous - two of my favourite bloggers together without me! Zanna and you!!
    I'll get there one day, bet your boots (or your boobs if you want! hahaha)

  7. If I can help in any way if you look at houses please let me now. Seriously you guys could borrow my car if you'd like. Let me know :)

  8. You are quite the beauty queen!

    Your blogger friends look nice, and it seems that they can cook too! Wow! I know you can send me some...
    I was in WalMart last night and strolled through the CD's. I didn't see it (Ms. Sparks) but if I do next time I am there I'll let you know.

    Hope you have a relaxing day and get to have some down time that involves peace and quiet.

  9. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Love the pics - hope that you're feeling beter by now - the table of food looks so yummy!!!

  10. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Aww, how fun that you get to meet up with your fellow bloggers!! Looks like a good time was had!

    As for the cd, if it doesn't work out with lindaj above, let me know and I'm happy to help out.

  11. Wow alot happens in one week! So glad to hear you have a tenative offer on your home. Sorry to hear that the kids have been sick. Love the chicken, too funny. So the heats been turned up in your part of the world. I'll have a look for that CD. Good luck with the results for you EEG. Have a great day.

  12. Oh yum...that looks devine...
    oh and to meet new bloggers... you are a lucky tart....

  13. I'll keep a lookout for your CD. I have not bought one in years. You must like Jordin Sparks a lot to have it ship from America.


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