Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Now... what was in that little box?



I am a SPOILT TART! More to come..... oh the kids were so nice, they slept in till 6.45! We are waiting for Steve and Lisa to arrive before we open presents, Brylee and Griffin are being so good waiting........

What a scream of a photo! Griffin looks like a monumental dork!!! Waiting to open their presents....
All done now... gifts opened, oooh! and ahhh'd over.... kids happily playing with Wii etc.... so is Stew! They are playing golf... Griffin is 'smokin' Dad's arse!!! Well, so he thinks!

I have been out in the rain .. took Izzy for a walk, and am now having some delicious homemade fruit salad for breakfast.

Mike got this 'beanie' from his girlfriend, amongst other things... so... I suppose I will have to get used to seeing him like this now cos knowing him it won't ever leave his stoooopid head!

Can you see how much crap I've got in my pantry today???? .................................... H E L P !
Being the gorgeous wife I am, I got Stew a Rotisserie for the BBQ... kinda like a wife being given a new vacum cleaner eh? Ha ha ha.. I have been marinating 2 chickens since yesterday... they are going on the BBQ later on this afternoon..... OOOO I can't wait!
Yipee, the chookies are on! Now we wait to find out just how long they take to cook on the BBQ.Girls like cars too... so Brylee got a PINK Polly Pocket Race Track! Cute.

OH MY GOD!!! If you could smell this.... Teriyaki Chicken done on the BBQ.... My mouth is watering!!!
Griffin, totally engrossed in this toy, it's quite awesome really! It transforms into over 40 different boats etc!

Here's my nephew Deon playing the weirdest game of golf ... on Wii. No wet shoes even!
End of Day: it's been wonderful, tiring, happy... just as it should be.
NSV: I ate till I could eat no more... cos tomorrow I diet! nite nite, and if you have bothered to read to the bottom of this post I salute you!


  1. Yes!!!

    Merry christmas From C and I xx

  2. WOW Chris! Gorgeous ring, you spoiled tart! lol ;-D

    Merry Christmas from Canada!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours Chris...(((hugs)))

    Gorgeous ring

    Hugs to ya xx

  4. Merry Christmas!

  5. Yip! Spoilt tart- LOL! Sounds like a good chrissy so far!
    Glad everyone is staying happy!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Awww, A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Chris!!

    Great photos!!

    LL x

  7. Beautiful ring!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Just gorgeous Chris....
    You are one very loved tart....
    have a top day chickee... and keep out of that bloody pantry!!!

  9. Yes, you are a spoiled tart,BUT you totally deserve it. Very nice addition. Have a wonderful day with your family and meeting you and Stew was definately a plus for us this year!

  10. What a fab ring, it's lovely. It's still Xmas Eve here - 11.40pm to be exact! Have a great Christmas Day to you all XXXCathy

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Love the the new ring

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.


  12. Merry Christmas to you and your family Chris! That is one lovely addition to your ring! I can't believe how much tempting things are in your pantry!!!!! How on earth are you going to keep sane??? I couldn't bear to have that in my cupboard... way too tempting for a candy ass like me! hehehehe. Have a lovely day... it has been XMAS over here for a total of 49 minutes! xox

  13. SHEESH! Look at all that stuff!
    Don't suppose it will actually all get eaten, will it? LOL!

  14. wowwwwwwwww what a lucky bugger.....love the ring!!

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    love the sound of Stews gift, im forever practical when gift buying hehe.

    Kids on a sugar high yet?

  16. Woohoo! Best wishes for your holidays, my friend!


  17. Merry Xmas to you all:)
    Lovely ring:)
    Enjoy the day with your family:)


  18. I want a pink race track too...... ;o)
    I hope your chookies taste yummyyyyyy

  19. Damn those look so good I can taste them!

  20. Merry Christmas to you and all your munchkins, (big one's included).
    You are certainly one luckly girl, (not going to say tart because I think enough people have used the word, and your a girl as well so I'll use that one).
    Actually your probably quite a 'girly girl' when it comes to some things. I love things that glitter too.

    Have a lovely day. I can't believe I've actually booted up the computer on Christmas day. (that will be a first) but Evianah has just got a PS2 from Santa and I'm all over dosed out on 'monster rumble' so I'm taking a break from the lounge for a bit. lol

  21. Don't you just love that bling, very pretty you lucky girl.

    Hope that chicken tasted as good as it looked.

  22. Salute me....I got to the bottom of the page....

    What a lovely day.....


  23. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Merry christmas!!

    Ive done the same ate till i couldnt eat anymore as i start back tomorrow!! i will break it new years eve with Omni blue!!

  24. Merry Christmas Chris!! Love the new ring... such a sparkler!!

    Good to see you had a lovely day, and that the chicken was yummy... my mouth was watering just looking at it!!

    Take care.

    Love Leanne

  25. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family Chris.

  26. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I'd say by the looks of that ring you've been a good girl this year ... lol ... but I think we know better!

    Thanks for sharing the photos, looks like you had a great day. I'll be joining you back on the diet roundabout tomorrow - who needs to wait until New Years.

  27. What a beautiful ring hun... sooo spoilt (and why not I say).

    Merry Xmas

    OMG there is a lot of crap in those cupboards... did you buy it tut tut... be good ya hear!!! he he he

    Love Chubbymum

  28. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Thats a gorgeous ring, Chris! :)
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  29. Merry Xmas girl...

    I can't believe how much your kids have grown since I met them!!!!!!

  30. wow girl..
    what a beautiful ring!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got some pearls and pearl earrings..

    love the pics....

    HAPPY NEW YEAR MATE!!!!!!!!!!!


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