Friday, October 19, 2007


It's a long weekend coming up, and you can guess what we will be doing... finishing off little jobs around the house/yard, doing lots of cleaning.... friggin door frames, light switches, windows bla bla bla.... cos I am ringing Real Estate Agents today to get a few to come around early next week to give us estimates on our home's worth, their marketing plans etc..... oh it's so much fun!

Today: kids to school, ring estate agents then get my butt to work.... and there is NO WAY I am going to buy a bloody thing... well unless some item of clothes catches me eye that is!

I know this will be a stressful time, but at least I know what is what now... it was living with the "unknown" that I found so hard... I'm so glad it's over now. My husband has done all the hard work over the past few years to earn this job, and I'm so proud of him. He deserves it. He's a really top guy, both at work and here at home. I kinda love him ...hell I must do, I let him sleep with me! ha ha ha.


  1. you'll be running round like a headless chicken trying to get it all done. But you will, cos you're that sort of person. Me, I just look around at the clutter and think fuck it, way too big a job.

  2. Mooloolaba I think!! It's bloody beautiful over there, although, fucken scared off all the creepy crawlies. Huntsman's - for fuck's sake, who invented those mofo's??

  3. RE-Comment:
    I knew you would ask why concrete was in the bottom of the machine...teehee

    Here in the UK our washing machines are different to yours, ours are front loaders and because they spin at very high speeds i.e. 1500 rpm the manufacturers put blocks of concrete at the top and bottom of the drums to hold them steady....mad but it works.....or it does until the concrete drops off....hence the machine dancing across the NO I dont go washing blocks of concrete....HAHAHAHA

    Hugs hunny xx

  4. You will cruise thru it all Chris..
    Just another adventure and a good reson to take lots of pics and blog about it...wooohoooooo we will all be going on the adventure with you!!!

  5. Fantastic news - congratulations to Stu. So some exciting times ahead for you - great fun! And great to hear your visit with your sister went so well. Z xx

  6. How totally exciting! Remember life is always in a constant state of change.... all that matters is that you are all together! I must admit, I have moved alot throughout my life, and I HATE packing... but the moving part is kind of fun! You are off on a brand new adventure from the norm, and it all sounds like all systems go! Just do the best you can each day. You are so damn organized, I'm sure nothing will be a drama. Congrats to Stew.

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I'm sure your 'To Do' list is a million miles long, but I'm so happy for you! What an exciting time!

  8. I made my gluten free geisha blog ages ago now chic, just wanted to separate my outspoken bollocks from my feelings/headspace/weight issues and struggle etc. And yes, you hve to, you know you'll eventually not be able to resist seeing what is going on over there anyway. LOL

  9. Exciting for you - a new house to look forward to as well!!

    Have a Happy birthday on Sunday!!

  10. Oh what fun it is too move!!!!
    You lucky thing......
    Enjoy the weekend!!

  11. Congratulations Chris & Stew!!!!
    I am so glad you got some great news!!!! ...... I hope you get what you want for your house!!!!


  12. Have a great weekend. Will catch up soon. Lists.......I love them LOL :)

  13. I can feel your excitement from here mate. Being the organised person you are, you'll have everything sorted. So what kind of time frame? How soon will you be moving north.

    Hey, you'll be a lot closer.

    You have a great weekend mate and enjoy your birthday!!!!!!

  14. congrats to you both ... wahoo!!

  15. well done i'm glad you finally heard the news and glad you had a nice time with your sister, you look alike.

  16. Yes! What no picture!!

  17. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday Celebration on Sunday! Enjoy the long weekend. You're going to be extra busy for the next little while. Have Fun!

  18. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Matchless phrase ;)


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