Sunday, September 16, 2007


Ok, I'm a slack tart, just outta bed (8.30am)... IT IS SUNDAY EH? Stew is still in bed, so I have to feed the kids, then I'll come back with something riveting to say..... maybe!...
"Someone" mentioned I posted a day without a photo.... oh dear! Let me rectify that!

THE GOOD: my computer desk.

THE BAD: our 'beer fridge'.... coke, wine, beer and tomatoe sauce!

THE UGLY: my worn out sneakers, cost $250, lasted 6 months!

THE GOOD: where I love to go on Thursdays.

THE BAD: bloody teenager still in bed at 1.30 pm.

THE UGLY: Griffin's room, a constant mess.

THE GOOD: our home gym room, AND it gets used!

THE BAD: I hate hate hate this machine.

THE UGLY: never ending washing.....

THE GOOD: the Manawatu Gorge, it is very pretty.

THE BAD: Izzy and her holes, grrrrrrrr!

THE UGLY: Brylee's smile at the moment, we are going through our "ugly duckling" stage.

*BIG SIGH* do we feel better now????

Today: we are going to a few Open Homes, not to look at the houses .... we are checking out the Real Estate Agents! JUST in case we need to put our house on the market.... I want to see how well the agents present the property they are selling, how friendly, informative, etc they are. So, that's the plan for this afternoon.... right now, I've got a few jobs around the house to do....

Just spent 3 hours looking at houses, found one or two agents we liked, so it was worth it.... kids were bored shitless by the time we got home..... and I'm knackered!

Am not going to have another Nana Nap though, or I'm sure I won't be able to get to sleep tonight. Anyway.... laters...End of day, just taken Izzy for a walk in the dark with Stew, lovely. Nachos for dinner, made me feel ill....

NSV TODAY: met some nice real estate people, walked Izzy on a lovely evening.... nite nite.


  1. Brylee is gorgeous - as you said the teeth are just a stage!! Love the photos - have a great day!

  2. Thanks for the photos. Your posts are always interesting - pics or no pics ;-)

  3. Oh too cool.. I love photos...
    And Jo is a little further past Bylee with the teeth... Jo's are finally almost even now...
    I reacon it has taken nearly 12 months from losing the top teeth til now!!! took forever for the second front tooth to cut thru!!
    And yes... ugly duckling is right... Right now I just feel I want to rip Jo's arms off and beat her over the head with them... what is it with little girls being dead set bitches to thier brothers!!! She is a nasty cruel little girl sometimes.. and even if she is seen doing something she will deny it and argue back to your face!! Argghhhhhh I dont need this crap!!!

  4. $250 for some shoes! Why so much? Maybe you can get a better deal on the internet or ebay. I have paid up to $110 for running shoes but trying to find better deals on the net if I like a certain brand shoe.

  5. Glad you had a nosey at Agents. They are all so different. Takes time to find that will really work for you. Love the pics!!!! Put ya feet up girl and let someone else cook tonight ...LOL No such luck in my house one else to cook!!!!!!!

  6. Hi. Sadie, the 1 year old, can't sleep and has decided that Griffin's room is hers. I guess that tells you how she likes her room!

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Great photos! Manawatu Gorge looks beautiful! And Brylee is too cute! My DD7 has just passed that stage and my DD6mths just got her first tooth!

  8. Cool photos hun... it is sooo cool looking at the photos now that I have seen your house it feels real now... soooo weird he he he.

    Sleeping in ahhhhh sooo nice isn't it.

    Love Chubbymum

  9. Great pics thoses shoes must have done some miles. If only they could talk..:) They are so expensive to, I try to stock up when I am in Nelson as they have a lot more variety and at bargin prices if you time it right lol

  10. Awesome photos!!! i love looking at houses especially display homes it always gives you an idea.... Brylee is just so cute!!! her teeth will grow!! love her freckles..

  11. hi chris i love your post today very clever you sounding betted sorry i haven't commented for ages been a real slacker, but can you believe i actually posted tonight and i haven't since april that is so slack but there is some exciting news over there. Brylee looks cute my mikayla is lokking abit toothless at the moment. cya keep well

  12. Great photos! I adore looking at other people's pics, LOL, but then I AM a nosy ol tart, haha.

    Brylee looks lovely (gappy teeth or no gappy teeth). And like you say, this is just a stage. Something we have ALL been through!

    All in all, it sounds as if you have had a very productive day...

    I hope your week will be a good one!



  13. Love the photo of your fridge!!


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