Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well I bloody hope so! I think I'm starting to suffer from extreme boredom, being stuck at home, not allowed to go to the gym, bla bla bla. anyway, I apologise for being a grumpy bitch@!

This morning, after the kids are at school, Mike and I are going to get going on cleaning windows, I don't expect to get them all done today, but it would be nice to get all the upstairs one done. Seems Mike's girlfriend is popping in this morning too..... she's NOT supposed to cos she's been 'grounded' for a month (she wagged school for a day).... but both her parents work and won't know where she is anyway.... and I'm not gunna tell on her! I mean, by grounding her, they effectively stop Mike from seeing her at all too... and that ain't fair eh?

Oh yeah, for the first time in weeks I finally got a good night's sleep too, so that should help one's mood too. And it looks like we are going to visit Stew's Dad for his 90th Birthday next week, so a trip up to Auckland on sunday is on the cards, will be staying with his sister at Bethells Beach, west coast outta Auckland....looking forward to that. Last time we stayed with her the sanitation system was 'down' and we had to pee in a bucket... gawd I hope it's fixed!!! She has a 'composting' toilet in her house, cos they are not on any town system out there... joy! And she does not get cell phone coverage... it's almost like being in the dark ages..Ok, maybe not, but it is different.


  1. Well you certainly can not deny her a visit after all she's coming to help you out (right). I see a mini trip is in the cards. Always fun to get away and do something out of the normal. Have a fun filled day. I'll be back tomorrow to see how it all turns out.

  2. welcome to my world ... boredom ... there is only so many cooking and crime programmes you can watch on TV, books getting a little bit tedious and all ya mates are working during the week so you cant even get them to come round and gossip the day away! arghhhhhhh ... Chris how do you not eat your weeks food in one day? I've found being completely out of routine I'm thinking about my next meal or food ALL THE TIME, thankfully I've been able to curtail such evil thoughts but jeez its hard! *tears* ... only another couple of weeks eh?

    Ah as for the grounding ... um isnt that the idea of taking away her priviledges which includes seeing her boyfriend ... she is suppose to be at school?

  3. Boredom sucks, thats me right now..

    Hmmmm a composting toilet, in the house?? different all right??????
    Well enjoy the trip anyway, and Im sure Mr Chris's dad will be pleased to see you!

  4. Awww, I am so happy that you have managed to grab a decent night's sleep for a change!

    As for your trip away, I hope you have a fab time...



  5. Haha!! I did think of weighing the hair but snapped myself out of it ... wouldnt have weighed that much

  6. LOL.. peeing in a bucket that would be fun !! just like camping... keep your spirits up and things will get better.. enjoy washing the windows....

  7. Seems like you are the cool mom where all the kids want to hang at your place, that is so nice!

  8. Love the flowers... they will look nice in a cool vase (maybe they have one where you work? he he).

    Not long till you can go to the gym hun... I have been off the gym for 2 weeks and it drove me crazy but sooo happy I am back now... hmmm that sounds crazy because a couple of years ago I would have thought anyone saying they miss the gym have no lives BUT WE DO he he he..

    Full house of kids (big hugs hun).... at least you know where they are and they must feel comfortable at home aye.


  9. Somehow, I suspect you're not really as scary as you pretend to be...

  10. You are such a shopper! We would get along well!

  11. Hope you got some work out of those kids!! Also hope you are having a better day. Hopefully you will be able to get back into your old routine soon.

  12. Bummer that you have to wait so long to hear if you will be moving. Maybe look at it like you will not move so if you do it will be a pleasant surprise.
    Hope your feeling better about things.

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    It's so nice seeing teenagers actually doing some work...guess you didn't have to pay them after all (re: yr comment left on my blog) LOL

    Great to hear you got a decent night's sleep :) And the flowers are nice. I have a habit of buying things and working out where I'm going to put them after I get home...hehe

  14. Teenagers!!!!! I remember those days only too well!!! LOL
    Great to see that they did do some work. Well done you for getting their "a's" into "g"...LOL

  15. YAY! You have some slaves!! Just what you needed I think. Hope you are feeling better this arvo, and it won't be too long till you're back at the gym. And then you hopefully won't be so bored!! I hate being bored.... it sucks, and also means eating food for me!! BOOOOOO to that!!


  16. So glad the troops rallied around to help you. It will help them to know what the real world is like. You have them well trained!

  17. I love how you say Lisa is cleaning...because it doesn't look like it!

  18. RE-Comment
    Hiya Chuck..teehee (Hilda Ogden in the VERY old Coronation Streets used to say that)

    Anyway, as far as the doggy KaKa goes...yep I have already told my OH that if any more doggy KaKa is found in my front garden then I am going to put it right on their doorstep and then report them to the dog warden because I have told them twice now and then yesterday their dog was back.

    Hey! I hope you have a great time at Stew's dad's....90 years old...that's fab..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STEWS DAD"

    Hugs hun

  19. Bet your kids are used to their photos being taken constantly for the blog now are they? hahaha
    Treat em mean and keep em keen I say. Well done. Can you send them round to my place next?

  20. Oohh I love Bethells - and all the west coast beaches. feeling homesick now...

  21. Anonymous10:55 PM

    you have great kids all helping u outside hehe

    anger works wonders!

    and i LOVE the flowers! :)

  22. What to call them?

    Pain in the asses? Covers them from teens to their 50's....

  23. woooohoooooo send em on over to my house...
    we have a valuation happeneing inside and out on friday.... ewwwwww and like I have the time to do any extar cleaning etc.... hmm maybe if I wasnt on this thing... nah..only been online 15 mins... girls gotta blog a bit...
    going from hours a day to only minutes...boooooohoooooo

  24. Congratulations on putting your foot down and getting the "kids" to do some work. I wish that I had your power.

    Enjoy that nice clean house.

  25. What a nice mom you are, not telling on his girlfriend.

    My brother was best friends with a our next door neighbor growing up. His mom was a stay at home mom so any time they did something wrong or got into trouble, she was the first person to find out. It's amazing how many things she didn't tell my parents about! Even now she threatens to tell on my brother when he gives her a hard time.


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