Friday, September 14, 2007


Insomnia and me..... I am still having trouble getting to sleep, no idea why! So, at 1 am this morning I decide, oh fuck it... might as well shave me legs! So I did.... didn't help me get to sleep but they felt better.

Looking forward to today: kids to school, then I'm going to the BARBER to have a few inches cut off me hair, and this time I will only be paying $9, no more huge hairdressers bills for this girl ! Stuff paying $126 for a crap dye job and a light trim, I am doing the dye job myself ($25) and the barber can trim the ends for me. I don't mind paying if I'm happy with the result and don't feel ripped off, but lately that's how I have felt. NO MORE.

After that I'm meeting a couple of friends for morning tea...


  1. Morning sweetie! Not much sleep for me either...
    Maybe yours is because you're getting less exercise?

  2. could have had a catch up coffee at 1 not sleeping here either feel like crap this morning...mine is cause I am eating shit food

  3. Shaving legs at 1am?!?!?! oh my... I thought I was bad doing the ironing in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep... hehe. Have a lovely morning tea! :)

  4. HAHAHA At your comment on my blog Chris....that tickled me....teehee I am a dork.....a tool....a plant....or whatever else....teehee.....god I have been so giggly today, must have been the blows to the head....TeeHee....there I go again.

    Hey a barbers is a great idea!!

    I colour my own hair and it always turns out fine except that I must have red pigments in my hair so after a few weeks it takes on a reddy tinge.....YEUGH!

    Enjoy your day hun - Oh! And I will TRY to remember where the door frames and cabinets are, I wouldn't care but we have lived here for 21 years so wouldn't you think I would not bang my DORKY head on the frames?....Teehee and my display cabinet has been on the wall for....OOOooo about 7 years just me a little bit of time....teehee

    and huge hugs to ya x

  5. I am up too. Pity we didn't all live closer, we could have breakfast together! It is still dark here - I've been up since 4am

  6. See ya soon!!!!! But you didn't have to get up at 1am to shave your legs just for me...ROFL and ducking for cover. :)

  7. Thats a great idea for the Barbers. A huge saving.

    Enjoy your morning tea.

    Not sure about the sleeping thing?? Maybe like Sue said, less exercise? Least ya legs are smooth!!lol

  8. Maybe you should have saved your legs for the barber.....

  9. Fascinating to see how many of us - floating around the same age - have the can't sleep problem. So glad you're making good progress and sounding pretty chirpy. Love Sue's comment - have a feeling there's a bit of the old 'double entendre' there do you think? Look forward to catching up further once we're back in Oz - fly out tomorrow night.
    Take care
    Love Z xx

  10. Hope you get a decent nights sleep tonight mate.

  11. Is this a case of I'll show you mine if you show me yours?? lol

    I agree with you, the hair dressers ARE an expensive trip!! I am so grateful for my hair colour... I don't have to touch it!! lol ... but I have blonde eyebrows!! lol... I do have to dye them!!

  12. What's your night time routine?? I find what helps me sleep at night is making sure I have some type of down time for myself prior to bed. I bought some herbal tea called Sleepy Time - its very nice - and thats my treat.

    I don't do this every night - mostly between the changes in my shift work. But I certainly feel your pain. You take care and enjoy those smooth legs!

  13. Aww fingers crossed you get a good nights sleep tonight

  14. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Oh man, insomnia is the WORST! Glad to hear you had a great day anyway!

    Haha, you're shaving special parts eventhough Stew isn't allowed to go there for awhile? You temptress, you!

  15. Aww come on NO PICTURE of the new hairdo! Glad to see you've had fun today. Hope there's more fun planned for the weekend. Take care.

  16. I went out a few times with a girl who did not shave anything and it was kind of weird to wake up with a hairy armpit in my face. Rubbing up against hairy legs was also disconcerting.

  17. I don't like insomnia at all. Who does, huh?

    At least you have smooth legs.

  18. Hee hee...
    shaving legs at 1am! That's hysterical.

  19. ugh. I hate insomnia. I find myself doing the strangest things when I can't sleep in the middle of the night....shaving my legs I haven't done, but now I might. =)


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