Friday, August 24, 2007

WHY ????

Why is it that when you are on a 'diet' and have cut so much out of your 'allowed' list.... all you think about is the things you can't have? Even if on a normal day/week/month you wouldn't even want it??? I am craving chicken salad sandwiches with wholemeal grainy bread... something shocking!!! I managed to resist the brownies last night - JUST by the skin of me teeth! I was soooo close to having a huge bowl full, you have NO IDEA HOW CLOSE I CAME TO BLOWING IT.

Same goes with 'nookies'.... I don't usually think about 'it' too often or 'crave' it.... now though, cos I simply can't, it's all I can think about! I think Stew will be a happy man in a few weeks!!!

Today: Kids to school, walk the dog, housework..... dunno what else yet! Probably go to the gym for a cardio workout... if I've got the energy that is....


  1. lol you must have been updating while I was commenting! Put my 'help' in the last post, from someone who's been there done that. Stick at it chick!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! If you don't I'm gonna come down there and BITCH SLAP YA!!!

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    i remember when i was doing atkins, i would crave cereal with ice-cold milk... so glad that didn't last! ha! :o)

    i'm sure the gain you're seeing on the scale is just temp - your body is probably freaking out because of the detox and holding onto everything it has... i'm sure a big loss will happen soon - don't give up yet! :o)

  3. That detox sounds like damn hard work, I sooooo admire you for doing it - and if anyone can stick at it - YOU CAN! :)

  4. P.S. See ya Sunday! woohoo!

  5. Sad arse tht I am, I was still at work at 8 anyway!

  6. As Lyn Said "YOU CAN DO THIS!!" And if I lived closer then Lyn and I and probably others would come up to your house in convoy and we would allll BITCH SLAP YA!!

    Now DO IT!! Because we know you can....YOU'VE DONE IT BEFORE!!

    Here's a hug better after wanting to bitch slap ya....awwwe...heehee

  7. Hey there..all that and it wasnt even 9.30am!!!! haha

  8. It is always the way aye... when you can't have something you want it... that is why cutting things out for me doesn't work because then I end up eating more... so you are doing so so so well hun to be doing this detox... good on you... stick to it.


  9. How much fluid are you drinking, Chris? If you're doing a detox, you really need to have LOTS of water. I'm not sure that you can manage the same quantity of diet coke. Or if you should even try.

    The scale is probably showing up some fluid retention - and the solution is to drink more water. Sorry, I don't have a solution to "I don't like it". :(

  10. lol Yes I had whipped cream and it was soooo good :P
    I applaud you for the detox tho, I really don't think I could do it - I could do the pill thing but not crapping for more than 24 hours and I get cranky as an old lady... Hmmm... How does that work with you? *runs away quick*

  11. LOL, always want what we can't have.
    Keep going with the detox thing, ya doing well, and yay for no Brownies!!!

    not commenting on the dentist..*shudders* he did well though:)

  12. its because your body is use to the things you use to have and cut out silly....

  13. GO GO GO!!! Don't give up! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! The weight will be coming off before you know it.

    The foods I have been eating have been giving me so much gas. I'm back to a regular routine, as you will see on my blog...It's working.

    Be aware of the villains, as they have sabatoged my link/avatar and rendered it useless.

    Watch of Robin! GASMAN is attacking. Off to the batcave!

    "The Captain"

  14. I hear ya hun, we always seem to want what we cant have huh. Try not to think about it to much, it will drive you insane! Instead try and focus on how healthy your insides are lookin and how this detox will kick start your metabolism and start the weight loss engine burning again.

    You can do this Chris, your a strong stubbon woman, dont cave to the crave!

    ... Erica x

  15. That happens to me too if I go on a diet or restrict certain foods it just makes me want them more!

    I hope you get your test results soon and wishing for good news for you.

  16. No nookie for 6 weeks!!!!! How cruel is that. Maybe someone has a chastity belt they can lend you. And courier Stew the key.

    I hope the cravings pass mate. You must be nearly finished.

  17. Yes, I now what you mean with the cravings. I'm craving mashed potatoes and toast with jam at the moment.

  18. Hehehe. I think it's just human nature to want what we can't have.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  19. Fantastic news about the results!!!! See you in the morning:-)

  20. That is fantastic news!! You must be so relieved.
    You have a great weekend too:)

  21. Congratulations that is great news about the cancer. Sounds like you have foud the secret to getting brylee to eat - wonder how blended pes & corn go:-)

  22. Chris, that is fantastic news. What a relief that your results all came back fine. I loved the way you announced it!!!

    You are stronger than me - there is no way I would even attempt a detox like that - lol. But I do agree with Kek. You need to drink more water.

  23. Brilliant news Chris! You need to celebrate! Time to put it back to good use then, eh?

  24. That's great news from the Dr. One thing less to worry about. Now it's just one more day of have done brilliantly. Have a great morning tomorrow with the blogger girls and see you on Sunday :)


    Hubby wondering why I was smiling and saying yes... it is because woohooooooo the tests came back and everything is good..



  26. thats FANNYtastic!!!

  27. congrats on your news, what a bloody relief! :) celebrate with an extra lettuce leaf this weekend LMAO!

  28. I am very happy your fanny is okay. :) That's great news.

  29. Great to hear that your fanny is ok!!!!

  30. THRILLED TO HEAR u got gr8 results
    An ok fanny will be such a releif

    Blenders are great things HUH

  31. FANTASTIC news on the test results and well done on avoiding those brownies last night. Have a great weekend and have a smoothie to celebrate ;-)

  32. WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  33. I am so pleased your fanny is 100% Now you can stop worrying ya tart...
    only 5 weeks to go.;. hahahaha./... and guess what i will be doin tonight..something you cant... rofl..

  34. I am so glad to hear that you and your fanny are all good!

  35. It's great about your good news!!!

  36. Thats the most wonderful news. Now you can relax. Sorry to hear you're a bit under the weather. Good luck with the detox. Have a wonderful weekend.

  37. Okay, now I want chicken salad on good bread.

    Damn you.

  38. Congrats on your fanny!

  39. So glad to hear all is alright! And as for the "no-no" lists... i hear you there girlfriend. But hang on and hang in there! You will DO IT!!!

  40. Fantastic news on the fanny front. Put your mind at rest. What a relief.

    Time now to kick arse and enjoy life to the full.

  41. Congratulations on the fab news!! :)

  42. YAHOOOOO!!!!!!!! Great to hear you have a healthy fanny!!


    BRilliant news!

  44. Chris,
    Just for the record I didn't leave that idiotic comment. The fake captain posts more online than I do!! Take care,

  45. I am behind in reading your blog - sorry. So great reading that all is well with your nether regions. Must be a huge relief.

    Hope the detox gives you lasting results. I have always been dubious about things like that..........but I can be a bit cynical when money is involved lol........

    Hope you are feeling fully recovered and not in too much pain or discomfort.


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