Thursday, August 16, 2007


Ok, to say I am not nervous would be a lie, so... I'M NERVOUS!!!! It's like really early in the morning and we are getting ready to go ..... Mike is staying home with the kids, Stew is going to take me in then come back home to get the kids off to school.... and come back after that to wait for me.

I SHOULD be allowed home afterwards, depending on what they end up doing "down there"... all going well it will only be the biopsy's and removal of fibroids.... but ya just never know and that's the scary part eh?

I am not taking the computer in with me.... cos it would look stoooopid if I'm only there for the day! If by some chance I'm in overnight.. you will all just have to wait till I get home! So, see ya later tarts and the odd dude.....

Today: got to hospital at 6.45, Stew left to get kids to school, I was taken into pre-op at 8 and into the theatre by 8.30 ! That was quick! The anethetist would not gas me to sleep because......
I WAS TOO FAT....I'M TOO FAT, FAT FAT FAT !!!! So, I cried and cried, and shook and shivered. . . and generally was a mess... bloody sook I am!!!! They were ever so nice about it though, and all the people in theatre (hell like about 10 people)... all joked around and took my mind off the NEEDLE... and it was in and over with before I even realised what they were doing. I laughed about the theatre undies they put on me, like why did they bother, they were the first thing to come off.The surgeon joked he was wearing the same ones... so I tried to get his pants down to have a look, but he was too fast for me...darn!
Anyway, when I came too I was feeling like shit (normal) but OK. the surgery took about an hour and a half I think. They could not remove my fibroids cos they were in the muscluar wall of the uterus, so that's a bugger cos they are what's causing all my back ache and heavy monthlies... maybe a hysterectomy later on will solve that wee problem. So... I slept on and off in the recovery room for the next 4 hours, and Stew picked me up at 3.30 and brought me home, where I am now quietly sitting in me Lazy Boy and just taking it easy.
We should have the results of the biopsys late next week, so hopefully it will be all good news and I can move on....
Here's a pic of me snoozing....

No makeup, no jewellery, no knickers!!! ha ha ha. Talk about NAKED!
I am now soooo determined to get back to my healthy goal weight... I was gutted when the anethetist said I was too FAT!!! Really devestated actually.... know the feeling? I could cry again actually just remembering it.... fuck it all !

I love you all, I've had email, texts, phone calls, flowers.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! And I even heard from one of me out of town kids!!!

I have about 60 bloggers' updates to read, and I'm sorry, but I just can't!!! My eyes won't stay open, so just know I love ya all, and I'm sorry I can't read and leave you a comment today. I feel bad about that!

Right, I'm not sitting here any more, I keep making the most derrr mistakes... so will say nite nite.

NSW TODAY: Well, I have eaten nothing at all excpet a wee bit of coleslaw for dinner ! Oh and I actually drank 9 glasses of water in the hospital after my op!!!! AMAZING!


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Hang in there Chris! We'll all be pulling for you!

  2. All the best, Chris!

  3. take care, good luck, thinking of you!!!

  4. All the very best Chris - hope it goes well and you are home in your own bed tonight!
    Kel x

  5. Big Hugs for today - and I'll check back later to see how you are.

  6. All the best Chris, I'll be thinking of you.

  7. Wishing you well today, recover quickly!

  8. Good Luck... I am thinking of you..
    Not thinking as visual image type thinking of you having it done tho... hahaha...
    Hope all has gone well by the time you get this.. chat to you soon...

  9. GOOD LUCk - I am sure you will come out smiling!!!

  10. Awww comon!!! why can't you take the computer????

    Thinkin of ya mate!!!

  11. Im sending positive vibes your way sweets, Luv, hugs n kisses too.

    ... Erica x

  12. Good luck Chris, you will be fine. Fingers crossed for you, you are a tough cookie, you will be ok.

  13. Good luck Chris x

  14. Good luck! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

  15. Hun... I am thinking of you... just know I am thinking good thoughts and can't wait to hear from you when you get out.

    MWWAHHHHHH big hugs

    Love Chubbymum

  16. Sending you my best wishes.

  17. Hi chick! Have been thinking of you today, hoping you have a speedy recovery and all is good.

    Take care - Anne

  18. By the time you read this it will all be behind you. Hope everything went well and you can relax a bit.

    Awfully quiet with you not around.

  19. I am so glad to hear that everything went ok. Good to hear you can keep your sense of humour up at such a time!

    I have never heard of being too fat for gas, how bizarre...

  20. Too bad about them not being able to get those fibroids. Hope you make a speedy recovery and positive vibes on getting back good results.

  21. Ahh, so happy that you made it thru your day.

    You've been in our thoughts! Take care and blog when you can.

  22. I couldn't wait for the post today I phoned your place and they told me you came out of the op and you were ok... so I relaxed a little more.

    Too fat... has that man got thick glasses on or something... geesh you aren't fat... I'm fat!!!

    Glad you are ok.

    Love Chubbymum

  23. awwwwwwwwwwww chris..hope you are getting lots of rest...try TRYYYYYYY try not too think to much about the F word...

    when you're all recovered used it as rock chick...

    everything will be sweet as kumara, you'll see!!

  24. Good to hear you got through it all OK... I never realised that you couldn't be gassed if you too big. When I had my nose done they did a needle and then the mask and that was it I was out of it.

    Maybe this will give you a bit more determination to lose some kilos (that kinda sounds mean - but I don't maen it in a nsty way)

    Lots of Hugs to you... have been thinking of you today and hoped all went well.

  25. Fk...are you ok Chris!!!! 9 Glasses of water!!! You must be unwell... maybe you should have stayed in longer... hehe...
    Glad its all over for you... rest up and take care!!! Not good about not being able to do anything about the fibroids tho...

  26. Glad to hear that it is over and you survived ok. Now, rest up! No painting (walls, canvases, other), housework, shopping (although, you could do it online...), cooking or running around after the kids. Just sit there, relax and iron, hehe.

  27. I heard the fat comment 3 weeks and 6kgs ago ... god I so understand how that one feels! Hope you are feeling a little more chipper now :) Congrats on the water too :p

  28. Pleased all is ok - but shame about the fibroids! Too fat!! Don't let it get to you - you aren't, I'm surprised knowing you that you didn't chirp back - you should have seen me before - or told them where to go! They got you at a weak moment.

    Take care Chris, too early yet but if you aren't up to Sat. will understand:-) And not reading our blogs - well we do understand!

  29. Good to see you are back at home and on the mend, now for the hard part to sit back and let everyone else run after you.I have an idea I would like to share with you so will email you over the next few days when you are up to it all (and finsihed enjoying the pampering).

  30. Good to read that you are home.

    Take care hun

    Big hugs to you

  31. I'm glad it's all over with and you are home Chris. Fingers crossed for good results.

    Trust you to be worried about not reading blogs. You've got a pretty good excuse.

    I agree with everyone else about using those comments to motivate you.

    I hope you feel much brighter tomorrow.

  32. Big HUG to the queen of the tarts.

    Glad it was just a day visit and positive vibes for the biopsy results.

  33. Glad you are home and doing well. Rest up and take care of yourself.

  34. Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

  35. Sorry to hear the bastards wouldn't gas you to sleep, sorry they told you you were overweight (bastards) and sorry they couldn't take out your fibroids.

    BUT I am happy that it is all over and done with and am now hoping everything comes back positive.

    Chin up chicken.

  36. *big cuddle*

    It's sucks about not being able to remove the icky shit in your tum.

    I have read the next post too and all I can say is, sometimes it takes someone outside our circle of loved friends to wake us up. If that guy is your catalyst then so be it. For the record, I would have sobbed too.

    I'm glad to hear you are resting up.

    I've been thinking of you.

  37. Hang in there. You look so peaceful in that the calm before a storm!

    Glad everything went well!


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