Friday, May 11, 2007


First and foremost... last night Arron't Kiwi Girl came into Brisbane city to meet us... and we got on like a house on fire!!! We yakked together lounging on a bed for over 2 and a half hours!!! Stew looked after the kids, bathed them, topped up the diet cokes when needed and earnt his Name : Saint Stew that AKG gave him! lol. I was nervous about how we would get on, what we would talk about etc etc, so was so relieved when we just clicked and go on so well... another real friend!

Now, today we were up and at the train station by 6.15am, had a bite to eat and onto the train and off at 7.30 am.... 5 and a half hours later.... no one was dead... and I was feeling like a block of ice! The darn thing was air conditioned and I didn't have a jumper with me, so I froze! Griffin talked non stop the whole way , the only time he stopped was when he was feeding his face! On a whole, they were fantastic kids.

The train trip itself was uneventful, lots of scenery, if you like trees and grassland? For over 5 hours???? ha ha ha.

We were met at the station by Mum, her partner Ron and Ron's daughter Diane, who I grew up with in Tokoroa.... Ron and his family have been a part of our family's life for over 45 years! His late wife and my Mum went to school together. So it's lovely that Ron and Mum got together after all that time knowing each other.

We have had the grand tour of their property, they have about 30 acres of native forest, of which Ron has cultivated about 5 acres into gardens etc. Very beautiful, up in the hills overlooking the city, gorgeous views!!!

I have snuck away to Diane's house to use the computer, left Stew to put the kids to bed... wonder how long I can stay away? Naughty me!
Not much else to report about today, except I am darn tired! Better go for now, nite nite.


  1. hey Chris... I am glad all is going well...
    I am even happier that the kids are being good!!!
    Talked to CKK tonight... and looking forward to meeting her over the weekend!!
    Wooohooooo my first live blogger meeting.. hahaha...
    take care and enjoy the rest of your trip.. cant wait to see all the photos!!

  2. Have a great weekend with the family. Happy Mother's Day.

  3. My husband was brought up in Tokoroa too... geesh so many people lived there... go figure.

    Sounds like your mums place is fantastic.

    Love Chubbymum

  4. Enjoy the birthday celebrations and the time with your mum and family. Beautiful spot you are staying in!

    The kids sound like they are enjoying themselves!!

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sounds like you're having a lovely time! So cool that you meet a fellow blogger in person! Can't wait to see pics of this trip.


    I'm in Sydney, and mates with CKK. Can I come too and meet you? HAve just sent her a text!

    I haven't been reading blogs for a while - so busy - but don't know how I missed you were coming to Sydney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Leave a message on my blog if you want to get in contact with me - I'll email you my details!


  7. new friends rock!!!

    train ride is cool, when i went on one in ozzie i texted hayley and asked WHERE ARE ALL THE HILLS AND MOUNTAINS? so weird.



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