Thursday, May 17, 2007


I have to admit to heaving a huge sigh of relief.... today we leave Coffs Harbour... well, late tonight anyway...

While it has been wonderful to see Mum and visit with her, it's had it's ups and downs.... mostly due to the kids being rather bored and Griffin being so hyperactive.... he has driven all of us nuts!!! Poor kid, expected to sit and be quiet all of the time, no toys to play with, no television to watch... what did they expect?

Today we did some last minute shopping, bought another travel suitcase.... for the purchases !!!, went for a walk along the jetty, and had a drive around looking at some of the different suburbs, all very interesting to adults.... not so for the kids.

We catch the train at 1`0 pm tonight, and travel all night to Sydney, we have a sleeper carriage, so we can hopefully sleep most of the way. We get into Sydney tomorrow morning bright and early... and then have the next 3 full days to explore Sydney and catch up with a few bloggers!!!

I CAN'T WAIT !@!!! Sydney.... is sounds so exciting, just saying the name... how weird am I ???? Sad and sorry small town girl me thinks. We are at Diane's (Ron's daughters') home tonight for a BBQ.... I have sneaked downstairs to use the computer .... Mum and Ron just don't understand why I need to go on the computer at least once a day !!! LIttle do they know how often I use mine at home... lets not tell them !!! Anyway, I better get back upstairs before I'm missed and have to explain yet again..... nite nite from Coffs Harbour..... next time I'll be in Sydney !!! woooo hoooooooo.


  1. Cool Chris. Sydney will be everything you want it to be. Have a fantastic time catching up with the bloggers. Fully understand with the kids, kids will always be kids. But things are about to change. Enjoy. Look forward to your return.

  2. Have a safe trip and fun in Sydney...

  3. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I hope you're able to sleep on the train. I always arrange my trips like that too, sometimes I sleep, sometimes I don't! Anyway, you're brave to do that with younger children! Haha, have fun!

  4. Have a good trip to Sydney. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. Wahoo ... you'll be in Sydney as I type this. So much fun catching up with bloggers! Enjoy you time there!

  6. Hi there,
    Just thought I would post a comment as I will have left NZ by the time you get back.
    Hope your able to have a blast in Sydney before heading home again.
    I'm in the middle of packing, ready to fly out tomorrow.
    You havn't missed too much, Erik won the biggest loser and looked AMAZING. David Bain had his conviction squashed by the Privy council last Thursday and is now out of prison on bail (waiting to see if there will be a re-trial) as the privy council said there was a substancial miscarriage of justice, as the jury was not given several pices of crucial information and two bits of evidence has since been found incorrect.
    Ummm,,, think thats about it.
    I will look forward to seeing all your ozzy pics when I am back in NZ on the 30th.

  7. have a wonderful time in Sydney. I am lost without my puter too.


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