Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I'm sitting in bed... just talked to the little shits.... you know who I mean... and asked them ever so nicely to be lovely little kids this morning! Wonder if it will work? One can only hope, would hate to have to go find the friggin duct tape!

I had visions of a million people reporting me to the cops yesterday after I admitted to using duct tape on me kids... glad to see I am still here! Phew!

Today, usual morning stuff, kids to school, walk the dog, ... but not going to the gym!

I am going to garden! I hate dirt, with a vengence, but I want to get the front garden sorted before friday.. cos on friday and over the weekend I am going to be "helping" the teenagers move out !!! OH YEAH, OH YEAH.... and I have already told them, once they are gone, there is NO COMING BACK! If they get into trouble they can go live with HER MOTHER !! Cos this one has done her dash.

I am going to have my nice clean house back, no more piles of filthy washing on the floor, no more stinking dishes piled up all over the upstairs rooms, no more parties, no more cigarette butts all over my driveway and in the garden, oh god I could go on and on..... Maybe I will have a party to celebrate! You are all welcome!


  1. I like that policy - once you move out, you don't move back!

  2. Us yelling not a good thing... I always figued on it was exercising our vocal chords.... haha
    And as for the party I am on my way... wooohoooo

  3. Yeah go on have a party... and don't invite them he he he.

    Love Chubbymum

  4. I can just about hear your happiness about the kids moving out from here!

  5. That is a wonderful policy, only I have to wait several more years. Mine is only twelve and I have a ways to go. But, he is an angel usually, so it's great. Have a super day!

  6. Garden looks great! and I'm with you on the once out stay out! Don't mind a little holiday occasionally (only little and only occasionally!!)

  7. Wow! Your garden looks great! MUCH better than the dead twigs!

  8. Anonymous1:52 PM

    You're a better woman than me, Chris. I'd call a landscape gardener to ~~take care of it and don't bother me with the details~~


    I'm such a friggen princess sometimes. hehe.

  9. Well you have been a busy little ducky this morning! Feels good when it's all done huh? And looks really good!!

  10. That's my policy and it's a damn good one too.

    The garden looks pretty good too. Not bad for 3 hours. I know what you mean about the hydrangeas. I'd get rid of mine too except I like them as cut flowers in the summer. I only have a couple of bushes tho.

  11. Excellent work on the garden!! Looks fabulous!!

    Thanks for the compliment on my new pic!!

  12. Wow the garden looks great now .... mcuh more appealing!
    Yay for the teens moving out!!What time is the party ..... gotta get our flights organised WannaB!!
    Oh and I am a yeller too ..... saves me getting out of my chair to hit the little shits!! lol

  13. I have got hydrangeas also.. but they are down the side of the house.. so if they look shit at this time of year it doesnt matter I just dont go down there!! haha
    But love the new look... very modern....

  14. I will be about Saturday for a coffee if you are going.

    Good luck at the 'old' gym tonight! Will be interested to see what you think of the class.

  15. wow your garden looks fantastic! Did you spend much on the plants and pots? i don't meant ot be nosey, i'm just going to be doing mine soon, so i'm interested ;)

  16. Your garden is looking fine. I like that blue pot too. I have some bamboo out in back and someday would like a bamboo forest like I knew in hawaii. Ha. Nah, I hear that stuff spreads to quickly.
    Alright...the teenagers are leaving...woohooo. party. Ok, maybe not party but some peace and quiet?

  17. someone say party? :) :) :)

  18. OOOOOOOOOOOO MID WINTER CHRISTMAS ROCKS!! I did a staff one last year at school....everyone loved it!!!!!!

    ooo hope your back and front bum feel better soon.....if not fitter!!!

  19. OMG I feel like a stalker! I know the woman that did your RPM class and can imagine she worked your butt off!

    Party at your house? We may be starters, social bunnies that we are (well sometimes) we have a couple or so weekends ahead busy then a holiday but also some free ones....

  20. How did you know that today I was plotting how to get down to Palmy for a weekend. Then you go and say PARTY. I'm planning annual leave for the first week in August. Does that put your plans out. If not I will do my best to get there. That's if I'm invited of course.

    PS: Have no idea of travelling time from Rotorua to Palmy. Can you give me an approximate?????

  21. Garden looks awesome.... I have a few years before I can tell my kids to stay out :).


  22. The front garden area looks really lovely...very nice!

    Hey! I wish I lived closer cos I would be there...gate crashing ya party....yep a party would be FAAAAANTASTIC!


    Yeah I have to admit I do have a sweet tooth or maybe just a picky tooth, I just want to pick all the time.
    I have Jelly most days after my main meal with fruit set in it.
    We don't have WWers jelly so I buy the Rowntree No sugar, or is it Low Sugar? Jelly and it is also 0 points except for the fruit which only comes in at 1pt...I can live with that.

    I tend to have a lot of Butternut Sqaush and Mushrooms and I go through my phases when I will prepare other veg i.e. baby veg I love, I like nearly every veg and I also like stirfries but I just can never be bothered to fath on for myself sometimes.

    I know you are not being critical, thats what these blogs are also there for, for advice and giving ideas and also bringing things to the front of folks minds so "thanks chick!"

    The rain....well it has rained for days and practically non stop but...are my eyes deceiving me?? Is that a glimmer of sunshine I see before my eyes?? Yes I think it is.....HAAALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH....HAAAAALLEEEEEELUUUUJAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!

  23. I never realised that I dont eat a huge amount of veg until you pointed it out but I did actually have a salad at lunch time yesterday so a few veg there and I also had my usual BNS at tea time.

    I need to take a better look at what I am eating because I may be getting stuck in a rut with my food.


  24. Nothing wrong with duct tape, it can fix anything!

    Ahhh, out and no coming back huh? I've heard that before....

    Garden looks great!

  25. Seems people are lining up for the party. I know where you are coming from. Picking up after the kids is wearing thin.

    You got yourself quite the workout yesterday between the gardening and the RPM class. Good for you. By the way your garden looks devine.

    I found a shirt yesterday but not 100 percent convinced it's the one. Will be heading out again to another bigger and better shopping center. Will difintely post a picture once I've happy with my selection.

    Hope the little ones are doing better.

  26. I want to come to your party but I don't have a passport or air fare. :(

    Your yard looks great.

    I'm glad to know that I will still be learning and adjusting my parenting as life goes on. I sometimes feel like a failure because I didn't have it down by now. It's nice to know other people aren't perfect at it either, although I bet you're pretty darn close.

  27. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Wow- your yard looks fantastic!! Nice work!! I tend to kill everything, but I'm going to try to grow a few herbs and tomatoes this year.

    And CONGRATS on a negative pregs for Lisa along with the teens moving out. Wahoo!

  28. Hey I just had a thought ... If Lee-anne is going I could drive down to Rotorua and catch a lift with her ... I'm always in for a good party!!! And would be a great way to meet lots of us bloggers!!

    oooooo!! Now I'm excited!! Damnit Chris you better have that party now!!

  29. I'm with Lyn - you'd better have that party now your've mentioned it.....LOL

    Depending on what weekend - I'M IN!
    I'm sure a few of the Wgtn girls will be up for a 'road trip' to Palmy.

    Now you have so much room you could even have HEAPS of us stay.
    I'm first dibs on a room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. You know I just looked at flights and the sale at the moment is $208 return to Wellington!! ...... Should put the house on hold so I can come!! lol ....


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