Thursday, October 19, 2006

MY Rumpus Room

Left is a picture of MY Rumpus room, where the "piglets" live... See how they keep it, they are pigs. I hate a mess, so this is one of the reasons I am stressed !
Today.... started with walking kids to school/kindy, with puppy dragging me along, then home to do some housework... oh the joys! Washed some floors (not all of em), and did a bit of vacuming.

Stood at the door of MY rumpus room and threatened to throw icy cold water on the lazy teenagers to make them get outta bed (at 10.30am).... I HAVE done it before, so they moved pretty fast! Funny really, the power of icy water! hee hee, I am evil. The teenage son and his fiance have the rumpus room as their bedroom cum lounge, cos its a huge room. We have two spare bedrooms, but they are a bit small for their bed, computers, tv, etc. I can't wait till they bugger off and give me back my room, I have plans for it.

Just had lunch, coleslaw again (cos I really do like it) with some chicken nuggets. Feel like having 1..( or 5) of the kids cereal bars....... but I WONT.
I'm sure I get stressed out and eat because of those darn teenagers, they drive me nuts. I hope you read this you lazy little shits...!

Ah, the rest of the day looms... will add on later....
Went to pick up Griffin from kindy, and he's gone home with another wee boy!!! This is a FIRST ! So cool, no endless chatter all afternoon, how cool is that? Took Izzy for a walk up to the shops, it isn't very far, and was roasting by the time we got home... where did this hot weather come from? Just two nights ago we had a hail storm and it was freezing.
till later...
Not much else happening today, got lazy and we had sausages and chips for dinner..... not good.
Oh well, can't be perfect I suppose.
Might get on the treadmill and exercylce in an hour of so...... NO... I WILL! I need to now that I've had an evil dinner.....
till later...
Just did 20 mins treadmill, 20 mins exercyle, 40 mins in sauna. Steps today: 11071,time for bed. nite nite


  1. Arrrrr teenager's, can't live with em..................

    Great effort with the exercise after dinner, that would have gotten rid of those sausages and chips.......LOL

    Hope you have a better day chic!

  2. Thanks Rachel.... I'm thinking the exercise only worked off 1 sausage and 5 chips, and ummmmm, me thinks I had more than that! ha ha ha Another day tomorrow eh?


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