11.30 am. It's over.
1.15 pm: Well that was rather yum! I don't think I've had something like that in a decade!
Stew and I are going for an early morning walk.
I loathe getting up early.
Lately I've been awake most days at 5.30, if not earlier, so grrrrrrr, I might as well get a walk in.
I hope I feel better for it, once we get home.
At least it won't be too hot at this hour of the day.
Later on today, at a more decent hour, we are taking a big trailer load of rubbish to the dump.
Lots of foliage, and stuff from the back sheds that we don't need or want. Mostly bits of timber we thought we 'might need one day'.
Not gunna need it. Out it goes.
And that's about all I have for now... catch ya later.
Guess what I have decided to do again?
ABOVE: I'm gunna do NO SUGAR again. For 6 weeks. I will post any weight loss every Sunday, so first report about that will be Sunday the 5th of January.
I also plan on getting out and walking the streets, hopefully with Stew, 3 times a week.
So, focusing on my health again, now that the stress of selling and buying is behind us.
I have said it before, I am an emotional eater... I literally stuff my face when I'm stressed out!
But as of today, I'm going to get back on track and just CHILL THE HELL OUT!
ABOVE: Archer and Baby. No one is actually 'touching' Baby at all... but I am trying to jiggle him around on his stick, to make him use his wings. He's a bit of a nightmare to feed, it's kinda doing my head in. But we persevere, because it won't be too much longer now and he will be off on his own.
Today we are going out to look at Storage facilities.
We will need to store a shit load of boxes and things we are not using until we move.
And, if negotiations don't go well with what we hope to purchase, we will have to RENT come February.
Until we can find something we like.
Gosh what a process this is turning into.
It's not fun. At all.
The only other thing I have on my agenda today is to continue working on the square table toppers.
Today is going to be about taking it easy.
NOT eating too much, as opposed to yesterday!
In fact, now that selling our home seems to be a done deal, I can actually stop STRESS EATING!
Since we put our home on the market, I've gained 6 kilos! I just can't seem to overcome emotional eating, no matter what I do.
But, now that the hard bit is over with (all going well), I can re-focus on losing a bit, and getting back into a healthy exercise schedule.
That won't involve going over to Cambridge 3 times a week for walks though.
I might just try dragging Stew out with me, either early in the morning, or late at night. It's got to be during the cooler parts of the day, as I can get heat stroke pretty fast.
And that ain't fun at all.
ABOVE: Griffin's mode of transport, to and from work and when he's on his own, as he was yesterday.
I HATE the thought of any of my kids on motorbikes, but I do concede it is a cheap way to travel.
I think the only thing I like about his motorbike is ... IT'S BLUE! And a very pretty blue at that. 😂😅😊
Later on this morning we are going out to look at a potential home for us. We are dragging Steve along with us, as he can do a 'building inspection' on it. That will save us some time if we decide to make an offer on it.
Any offer we make on a home will be conditional on our home sale going 'UNCONDITIONAL' in 3 weeks time.
I really hope we find 'our new home' in the next couple of weeks, cos we need things to line up so we ain't in the situation of having to leave here, with nowhere to go!
I am not stressing too much about it though. As I keep saying, what will be, will be.