Wednesday, July 31, 2024



I will be doing some housework first thing today, then moving into the sewing room to sew.

Just a normal day around here.

I am expecting a parcel to arrive from Spotlight today, an order of plain black fabric.  I wanted two full bolts, not 'parts of bolts' from the actual shop.

With the fabric I've bought lately, the batting yesterday, and the black fabric today, I am set for a few months thankfully.

So friends, I'm sorry to say today is going to be quiet here.  

I forgive you all for not bothering to leave a comment.  

ABOVE:  I am not a cat person.  This was on Facebook yesterday, I had to share it.
Sorry, not sorry.

ABOVE: Steve sent me this photo of Lily, taken yesterday afternoon.  She's sitting in the car, waiting for her brothers to come out of school.   FYI: the car was parked, not moving and Bex was beside her.


I'm in the sewing room by 8 am this morning.  Happily sewing along, when an email comes in.

It's the daily Spotlight email, advising me of their latest sale.

Like ... they have a sale EVERY DAY!

But, I scroll through anyway.

And this is what I see:

ABOVE: The wadding I bought, at FULL PRICE yesterday, is now on sale for 40 % OFF.

I literally felt sick.

That is a huge saving, and one that they hardly ever do.  Like maybe once a year if you are lucky.

So, I immediately put that wadding I bought yesterday for $750 BACK IN MY CAR, and took it straight back to the shop.

Where they very kindly refunded the purchase price, then I RE-purchased it for the sale price.

A HUGE saving of $300!

I am so thankful they let me do that, as it is not a guarantee they will.  

Of course, I'm bound to spend that $300 in their shop soon enough.  😉😊

I am now back home, waiting for my black fabric (from Spotlight) to get delivered some time today.

Onward... back to me sewing.

ABOVE:  Out my window today, such a nicer view than yesterday!

ABOVE:  12.50 pm, and I've made two braid runner tops so far today.

I'm now taking a lunch break, before coming back to make at least one more.

6.46 pm:  Don't go thinking I had a 5+ hour lunch break!  I didn't.

I have been sewing all afternoon, and I got two more Braid Runner tops made.

I will show them to you tomorrow, cos I need something for tomorrow's post eh?  😃😂

Stew and I just had corned beef for dinner, it was slowly cooking in the crock pot all day.  It was delicious.


Time to wind down and just enjoy the evening together.

Catch you tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Ya, I don't need to get up too early this morning.  I do have an FBG walk over in Cambridge at 9.30, so that's good.  I've not been getting too many walks lately.  

There's just not too many on offer until next months 5 new walks are 'released'.

Once I get home from Cambridge, I have a couple of jobs lined up in the house, then I will get into the sewing room and churn out a couple more Braid Runner tops.

I think from memory I now have 13 tops made.  I'm aiming for 24, then I shall quilt and bind them all. That's going to be a mission!

Once they are done, I will move on to making a few other sorts of runners.   I'm trying to cut down how many different runners I make.

I haven't quite decided which designs to keep, and which to drop.   But, I'm leaning towards keeping these ones:

I think I will add the odd different one here and there, but just keep to these ones primarily.

So, that's me for now, I'll be back later.


1 pm:  I'm home much later than usual from a walk today.

The walk was lovely, the rain held off which was lucky.

After the walk I popped in to see an FBG'er at her apartment, then came back into Hamilton. 

To Spotlight.  Where I bought something I certainly did not go in for!

ABOVE: The batting I use all the time was finally back in stock.  So I kinda bought A LOT of it.

I doubt I will run out for a long time now.  I had been conserving my batting as much as possible, due to there being NONE to be found for months.

It has been raining quite heavily for the past 2 hours or so.  Not nice being out and about in it.

Glad to be home.

Time for some lunch, then some jobs.

ABOVE: Today's walk stats.  A nice distance, easy to do with company.  I'm sure they will be a walk photo later on today as well.  Yaaa, faces to 'doctor'.  lol

ABOVE:  Today's walk photo.
Next walk is on Thursday morning, a 'social walk'.  It's going to be from the Cambridge Velodrome to the Gaslight Theatre and back.  A nice walk through some countryside. I'm looking forward to it, even though there is a VERY STEEP hill right at the end.

ABOVE: The view from the sewing room.  Raining cats 'n' dogs.
And I'm sewing.
That is all.

ABOVE:  Well, not a very productive day today, just one runner top made.   And it's a very muted one at that.  It will suit someone.

I'm stopping now, it's cooling down, Stew will be home soon and will want his dinner.

So, Stew cooked the pork belly strips I had out for him.  I was a lazy tart and just watched him. 
He's trying to do just protein for dinners now, so he had a couple of eggs as well.
I'm craving something sweet, and we have nothing. 
That means I'm crabby.
Time to sign off.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, July 29, 2024



Yesterday, while the family was visiting, I had Lily on my lap, and she kept looking at my diet coke bottle.

So I ... ummm... let her try it.  JUST a tiny drop on the end of the bottle.  She seemed to like it.

So I gave her a tiny sip.

ABOVE:  I'm proud to say that little bubby tried to drink it like there was no tomorrow!

She's got excellent taste.

ABOVE: That was the face when I took the bottle away.  She was not impressed.

I might have to hide my bottle when she's around now.  She really is a bit young to be sculling diet coke! 

ABOVE: This is the runner I made yesterday afternoon.  I used blue tones with this one, otherwise it's another like the last two.  Using the fabric I managed to secure yesterday.

ABOVE:  All three using the same centre and border fabric... same/same, but different.

I don't have any plans for today, except the usual Monday stuff.  Washing, housework and so on, followed by some more sewing.

Lacy is visiting me after lunch, so that's something to look forward to.


1.50 pm, it's been a busy morning.

I got all the housework done (that I want to do), then started cutting out more Braid Runner strips.

That is also called 'housework' to me.  It's the boring, mundane part of sewing the runners.

Getting all the bits ready.

ABOVE:  It is the first time I've used that particular fabric as a center piece.   I really like this one.

Now... I'm going to make another one using a different center piece.

ABOVE:  Meanwhile, the real 'housekeeper' is busy doing some jobs around the house for me.

Lacy is a godsend, why I didn't think of getting her in to do the jobs that kill my back sooner, I will never know.

ABOVE: This one relies purely on it's colour.  Not a theme, or house, or Kiwiana fabric.  Just the colours.  And I LOVE IT.  Green/Aqua, neat combo.

And it's now 5.15 pm, and I'm going into the house to sort out our dinner.  And wonder where everyone is?  It is certainly very quiet today.

Hi guys!  Nice to hear from a few more of you.

So... we've had dinner... and are now just watching the telly till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, July 28, 2024



Today will be a 'family' day.

We are expecting Lacy and Keera to visit, as well as Steve, Bex and their children.

I have tracked down some fabric I want more of, so mid-morning I'm off to pick it up.  It's gunna cost me several hundred dollars, but it is fabric that will be used for years to come, and it doesn't 'GO OFF' eh?  lol

Jezzzz I love fabric!   Finding fabric that you KNOW is no longer being made is the best thing ever.  I think I am very lucky to have found it in fact.  It's sold out almost everywhere already.

Apparently the manufacturer's (of this fabric),  only do a 'run' of 800 metres of each fabric they produce.  HOW RUDE!   I've been caught out like that before, wanting more of a particular fabric, only to find it's no longer produced.

So, I'm gunna grab all I can of this fabric while I can.

ABOVE:  Last night I said I wouldn't bother showing you this one, cos it's very similar to the last one... but MEH.  I have to share!  😂😊

And... that's me for now.  I'll catch ya later.


10.30 am, and I've just spent two hours bathing the girls, then myself, then cleaning the bathroom, the vanity room and the loo.  

We all all lovely and clean again, smelling pretty.

It will only be a few days and both those dogs will be smelly again, it's just that time of the year.

ABOVE:  A wee video of Marley, before I bathed her.  She's so sad.

12.30 pm:  And we are home from a lovely excursion.
First up was the fabric shop, where we got the fabric I went for.

ABOVE: I'm so happy I secured pretty much the last of it in the country.

ABOVE:  Of course I found a few more I wanted.

ABOVE: And this!   I have NO IDEA what I shall do with it, but I saw it and just had to get it.

ABOVE:  After fabric shopping, we ended up at Chartwell Square.  Stew found some new work shirts... cos let's get real.
He's gunna have to keep working for a long time to keep up with my spending habits!

Just Joking... the man can stop work whenever he wants, and we would be just fine.

ABOVE: Lunch, and Stew had the 'Big Breakfast', and I had a chicken filo and salad.

What a wonderful morning!   Getting the girls bathed was a huge TICK for me.  New fabric, another TICK.   Now?
Relax till family show up.

FAMILY CAME, they all watched a movie, which I didn't want to watch as it was a 'shoot em up bang bang', which I'm not interested in.
So I made another runner top!

Once the movie was finished, I spent some time with everyone.

ABOVE: The only way to get a half decent photo of this kid is to take it when he's not aware!

ABOVE: Steve sucks at taking photos!  9/10 are blurry.  Stew does the same thing too.

ABOVE:  Lily really loves the dogs... and is now at the stage where she wants to scrag them.
Best to keep the baby away from the dogs.. they are not used to having their hair pulled.  😊

Stew and I  have had a lovely, quiet evening, just watching the TV.  We'll be off to bed soon, so... Catch Ya Tomorrow.

Saturday, July 27, 2024



Stew is still snoring, enjoying his weekend sleep in.  I'm just lying here, thinking how I don't wanna get up, cos it's cold.

I have no intention of sewing today.  I've done quite a bit the past few days.

ABOVE: This is the runner I finished last night, it was the third one I got done yesterday.  I am churning them out!
Well... the tops anyway.  They all need to be quilted and bound yet.  *grrrrr*, not my favourite part, that's for sure.   I love putting the tops together the most.

It looks really foggy outside again, so it's not exactly a nice day out there.
Maybe it will clear up later?
I hope so, cos the fog is awful.

Our plans for today?  Yard work primarily.  Weeding.  Prune a few shrubs.  If it fines up, mow the lawns etc.
I'm actually going to help Stew today.  It will be nice to get outside and spend some time with him.

I'm going to tidy up under the pool deck. It has become a bit of a dumping ground for pool toys, chemicals and so on.
Right now I've got pool chemicals in three different places, it would be nice to try and have them all in the same place.

So, that's the plan for the day.  


11.50 am, and so far today has not gone to plan.It was just too cold to go outside and work, so I did go and make another runner!  Stew did his grocery shop then just relaxed in the family room.

ABOVE: This is the runner I whipped up this morning.  I really love it!
It IS busy.  It is full on.  But WOW.  Just love it.
I put a border on this one, to make it wider... it sure adds to it.

It is now, finally, warming up a bit outside (11 degrees even), so we are going to venture into the gardens.

1.30 pm:  I am cringing!   I have to come inside every 15 minutes to wash my hands!  I cannot STAND dirt on my hands.
Now they are feel dry and disgusting.
But, we are making good progress on the weeds and rubbish lying around.

VICKIE:  I have tried various gardening gloves over the years.  Most end up with holes in them, then the dirt gets in just the same.  And they usually restrict your hands movements, which I dislike.  

See, I'm so very fussy!  I'm a pain in me own arse in fact. 😂😆😅

Usually I totally AVOID gardening, but just felt I wanted to help Stew today.  And it is very nice out there right now.  Sun is shining, no wind, not too cold.  A glorious winter day in fact, now that the fog has gone.

8 pm:  Well it's a pleasant Saturday evening.  I made another runner top... probably won't bother to show you as it's VERY similar to the last one.  I just changed up the line up and the green fabrics.

Time to sign off for the day.  Catch ya tomorrow.

Friday, July 26, 2024



I have listened.

And I did it... just for you Vickie:

ABOVE:  There ya have it... Grey and White, ready for quilting and binding in a week or two.

I did wonder if you meant using white INSTEAD of the black for the accents?   But I didn't think that would look any good at all.

So I stuck with the black.

It looks nice.  I will be interested to see how it goes at market.

ABOVE: This is the next one.  I will be working on it a bit later on this morning.

Right now, WELL... once I'm outta bed, I am off to post a runner to a friend in Australia.

I know there's no rush M, but I want it winging it's way to you asap.  It has sat on my dining table (in a plastic bag), ready to go for a little while now. 😊


ABOVE:  The view out of my sewing room this morning.  IKkkkkkk.

So cold.   So cold.   Soooooo bloody cold.

ABOVE:  Another lovely foggy view.

I've just been to Chartwell Square to post a runner.

Bought a new nightie.   Walked past a few coffee shops and the food court.  Didn't get a thing.

Feeling proud of myself.

Now... I'm gunna sew.  With the heat pump on, keeping me warm.

ABOVE:  Another one done.   Stew saw it part done last night and said 'That's a nice Christmas one".  I felt deflated, cos it wasn't meant to be a 'Christmas' Runner.

*sigh*... I'm still taking it to market now, cos someone might be looking for just those colours. And there is nothing Christmas themed on it.

Moving on .... to the next one. 

A car pulled into our driveway.  I was a bit confused, as I didn't recognise the car, and hell!

I don't get visitors.

ABOVE:  Out stepped our lovely friend Martyn, who was enroute to Auckland, and decided to pop in for a catch up.

It was wonderful spending an hour just yakking, laughing and spending time together.

Sorry you missed him Stew, but he'll be back for sure. 😊😉

ABOVE:  For my next runner I decided to step outside the box, and use this funky, gothic fabric.  I thought it could be a fun one.

ABOVE:  I got it finished just after Martyn left.  What do ya think of it?

It is now 1.42 pm.  Time to stop for some lunch.

The sun has finally come out, lets do the countdown till the fog comes down again!

5 pm:  Time to stop sewing and think about getting Stew's dinner ready.  He's having sausages and veges tonight.  I had the same for my lunch. 

8.37 pm: And that's a wrap on the day.  Enjoying our evening, just watching the telly.  
Catch ya tomorrow.